[127] After settling in Utah in 1848, Young announced the ban,[127] which also forbade blacks from participating in Mormon temple rites such as the endowment or sealings. A key element of the teachings of this group in Young's eyes was their practicing of spiritual gifts like speaking in tongues and prophecy. Joseph! He also married in Nauvoo, but did not have children with: Augusta Adams Cobb, Susannah Snively, Eliza Bowker, Ellen A. Rockwood, and Namah K. J. [35][27] In August 1837, Young went on another mission to the eastern states. If the circumstances of his life had worked out differently [he] might have become a captain of industryan Andrew Carnegie or John D. Rockefeller or a railroad builder. The Beehive House and the Lion House remain as prominent Salt Lake City landmarks. [178] Thirty-one of his wives were not connubial and had exchanged eternity-only vows with him and he had children by sixteen of his wives. Since Young's death, a number of works have published collections of his discourses and sayings. [61] Many of Young's followers stated in reminiscent accounts (the earliest in 1850 and the latest in 1920) that when Young spoke to the congregation, he looked or sounded exactly like Smith, which they attributed to the power of God. Young supported her and her two children while they lived in their own home in Nauvoo. [145], The degree of Young's involvement in the Mountain Meadows massacre, which took place in Washington County in 1857, is disputed. All health care is provided by its member organizations or independent health care providers affiliated with TUHS member organizations. In the Season 5 mid-season finale, "False Prophets", Young's son, Phineas, attempts to murder his father. [20] There, Young saw Alpheus Gifford speak in tongues, and in response Young also spoke in tongues. No clothing rental. Temple Health refers to the health, education and research activities carried out by the affiliates of Temple University Health System (TUHS) and by the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University. You can schedule an appointment in two ways: Note: This appointment form should not be used for urgent medical issues or emergencies. (Or you can go directly to temples.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.) "[156], At the time of his death, Young was the wealthiest man in Utah, with an estimated personal fortune of $600,000 (equivalent to $15,300,000 in 2021).[154]. History of Brigham Young, entry dated 5 Jan. 1852, in Church Historians Office Records Collection, LDSCA. [23] Young continued to preach in eastern Canada in the spring, and accompanied two Canadian converts to Kirtland in July 1833. . An estimated 5,000 members were endowed between December 10, 1845 and February 1846. [136] The Mormon Reformation called for a spiritual reawakening among members of the church, and took place largely in the Utah Territory. President Boyd K. Packer had attended school there as a boy. President Packer had attended elementary school 80 years before on the very site where he stood. Part of the new Business Intelligence/Data Analytics Team. Brigham City Utah Box Elder Stake. Please contact the temple for more information or if you have special circumstances or needs. The LDS Church's Doctrine and Covenants contains one section from Young that has been canonized as scripture, added in 1876. The Brigham City Utah Temple District covers the same region as the original Box Elder Stake. Wagonmaster Luke Winner (Morgan Woodward) feels compelled to leave the instrument behind until Ridges finds solid rock under the sand. [178] A few of his wives served in administrative positions in the church, such as Zina Huntington and Eliza R. Snow. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will build 18 new houses of the Lord in the coming months and years. Doyle's daughter stated: "You know father would be the first to admit that his first Sherlock Holmes novel was full of errors about the Mormons. "[97] Seven years later in 1859, Young stated in an interview with the New York Tribune[98] that he considered slavery a "divine institution not to be abolished". [37] He became the oldest member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles when David Patten died after the Battle of Crooked River. "[129] Young was also a vocal opponent of theories of human polygenesis, being a firm voice for stating that all humans were the product of one creation. "[70][71] The indictment of Young and other leaders, combined with rumors that troops would prevent the Mormons from leaving led Young to start their exodus in February 1846. Central Elementary School once stood on the site, but it was razed several years ago in a downtown redevelopment effort. 1. [22] During the visit, Brigham spoke in a tongue that Smith identified as the "Adamic language". Miller was arrested, but released when it was discovered he was not Brigham Young. It will be gorgeous, it will be white. Temples are reopening in phases due to COVID-19 pandemic. [24] In May 1834, Young became a member of Zion's Camp, and traveled to Missouri and returned to Kirtland with members of the camp in August. Lucy was still married to William Seeley when Young married her. Young was involved in temple building throughout his membership in the LDS Church, making it a priority during his time as church president. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints News Release, "Five New Temples Announced," 3 Oct. 2009. [78] On August 7, Brigham suggested that the members of the camp be re-baptized to signify a re-dedication to their beliefs and covenants. The status of four was unknown. [160][161] Young was dubbed by his followers the "Lion of the Lord" for his bold personality and commonly was called "Brother Brigham" by Latter-day Saints. [137] At a church meeting on September 21, 1856, Brigham Young stated: We need a reformation in the midst of this people; we need a thorough reform.[138] Large gatherings and meetings during this period were conducted by Young and Grant, and Young played a key role in the circulation of the Mormon Reformation with his emphasis on plural marriage, rebaptism, and passionate preaching and oration. He encouraged independence and self-sufficiency. Sidney Rigdon, the senior surviving member of the church's First Presidency, argued there could be no successor to the deceased prophet and that he should stay Joseph's "spokesman" and become guardian of the church. The majority of Young's teachings are contained in the 19 volumes of transcribed and edited sermons in the Journal of Discourses. His mother died of tuberculosis in June 1815. This website is NOT an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Under his direction, the Mormons built roads and bridges, forts, irrigation projects; established public welfare; organized a militia; issued a "selective extermination" order against male Timpanogos[88] and after a series of wars eventually made peace with the Native Americans. Address 350 22nd St. Ogden UT 84401-1487. . If you would prefer us to contact you, please fill out the form below. [42] Young proposed marriage to Martha Brotherton, who was seventeen years old at the time and had recently immigrated from Manchester, England. Later, as Young is generally understood to have taught, Adam returned to the earth to become the biological father of Jesus. Only children under the age of seven, who were cared for by local Mormon families, survived, and the murdered members of the wagon train were left unburied. During his time as church president, Young led his followers, the Mormon pioneers, west from Nauvoo, Illinois, to the Salt Lake Valley. Ordinances and covenants have been a part of the gospel from the beginning. According to Young, the matter was beyond his personal control, and was divinely determined rather than historically or personally as many assumed. When officers arrived at the Nauvoo temple to arrest Young, he sent William Miller out in Young's hat and cloak. [89] Young organized the first Utah Territorial Legislature and established Fillmore as the territory's first capital. A church conference held in Iowa sustained Young and his First Presidency on December 27, 1847. . He then stayed for a short time in Dublin, Indiana with his brother Lorenzo before moving to Far West, Missouri in 1838. Parking will consist of 123 surface stalls, 130 underground stalls, and 29 street stalls. [86][87] He was sworn in by Justice Daniel H. Wells for a salary of $1,500 a year, and named as superintendent of Indian Affairs for an additional $1,000. Brigham City Utah North Stake. "[114] Young believed that sexual desire was given by God to ensure the perpetuation of humankind, and believed sex should be confined to marriage. According to Young, he was taught by Smith that Adam is "our Father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do". On November 5, 2009, sale of the Brigham City Utah Temple site formally closed, advancing the temple to the construction approval phase. John Lyon: the life of a pioneer poet. [94], Young supported slavery and its expansion into Utah, and led the efforts to legalize and regulate slavery in the 1852 Act in Relation to Service, based on his beliefs on slavery. Following her death, he moved with his father to Tyrone, New York. Thereby the Mormons became the most important single agency in colonizing that vast arid West between the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada. Shortly after World War II, a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps wrote a book called Man's Search for Meaning. For those LDS faithful who do wish to enter, you need to make an appointment. [7] Young moved to Auburn, New York where he was an apprentice to John C. Jeffries. Take a look inside the Washington D.C. Temple with a tour hosted by Elder and Sister Stevenson and Elder and Sister Renlund. kmeznx. Brigham City Utah Temple 139th dedicated temple in operation Aaron Nuffer. He also led the Anointed Quorum. Please call 9-1-1, your physician or go to the closest emergency room for care and treatment. [11] Young converted to the Reformed Methodist Church in 1824 after studying the Bible. [172], On this topic, Young wrote: "They have not wisdom to act like white men. Later, after taking up the mantle of Mormon leader following Smith's death from dysentery, Young is among those visited by Jesus and told to have as much sex as they possibly can, to ensure the propagation of the Mormon faith.[195]. [106], Within the church, Young reorganized the Relief Society for women in 1867, and created organizations for young women in 1869 and young men in 1875. One of the homes that Young helped paint in Auburn belonged to Elijah Miller and later to William Seward, and is now a local museum. He was the ninth child of John Young and Abigail "Nabby" Howe. [115], One of the more controversial teachings of Young during the Mormon Reformation was the AdamGod doctrine. 19982023 ChurchofJesusChristTemples.org. [131] Young taught that the day would come when black men would again have the priesthood, saying that after "all the other children of Adam have the privilege of receiving the Priesthood, and of coming into the kingdom of God, and of being redeemed from the four-quarters of the earth, and have received their resurrection from the dead, then it will be time enough to remove the curse from Cain and his posterity. [52] Young travelled east with Wilford Woodruff and George A. Smith from July to October 1843 on a mission to raise funds for the Nauvoo temple and its guesthouse. [100] In 1858, following the events of the Utah War, he stepped down to his gubernatorial successor, Alfred Cumming.[101]. Young was also one of the first to subscribe to Union Pacific stock, for the construction of the First transcontinental railroad. "Regular Meeting of the Brigham City Council,", "Brigham City Temple draws on city's history,". [56][57], In 1844, Young travelled east again to solicit votes for Joseph Smith in his presidential campaign. Brigham City Utah Temple Temple closed today Appointments Address 250 S Main St Brigham City UT 84302-2560 United States Telephone (1) 435-695-2170 Email Log in to send email to temple Prayer Roll Click here to submit names Services No clothing rental available No cafeteria available No patron housing available Distribution center nearby You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Brigham Young was also played by Terence Stamp in the 2007 film September Dawn. On many occasions, Young taught that blacks were denied the priesthood because they were "the seed of Cain. [21] Young and Kimball spent the summer following their baptism conducting missionary work in western New York, while Vilate Kimball cared for Young's family. [155] In 1873, he announced that he would step down as president of the Deseret National Bank and of ZCMI, as well as from his role as trustee-in-trust for the church. There's no visitors center, and the grounds are limited so there's not much to do if you're just passing through. The gold-leafed statue of the angel Moroni was hoisted and secured into place atop the Brigham City Utah Temple on Tuesday, July 12, 2011, from about 1:40 to 2:30 p.m. Within months, Harris and the others departed their Utah appointments without replacements being named, and their posts remained unfilled for the next two years. Brigham City Utah Stake. According to Wilford Woodruff, in 1861 Young brought an entourage to Mountain Meadows and suggested that the monument instead read "Vengeance is mine and I have taken a little". 2010. [51] While in Nauvoo, he married Clarissa Decker, Clarissa Ross, Emily Dow Partidge, Louisa Beaman, Margaret Maria Alley, Emmeline Free, Margaret Piece, and Zina Diantha Huntington. Virtual visits with a Temple specialist are effective, safe and convenient. [69] Some Mormons counterfeited American and Mexican money, and a grand jury indicted Young and other church leaders in 1845. [148], Before his death in Salt Lake City on August 29, 1877,[149] Young was suffering from cholera morbus and inflammation of the bowels. Everything in the temple points us to Jesus Christ. While there, Young's father remarried to a widow named Hannah Brown, and sent Young off to learn a trade. Young performed the sealing ordinances for two of Joseph Smith's plural wives in early 1842. During the 30 years between the Mormons' arrival in Utah in 1847 and [his death in] 1877, Young directed the founding of 350 towns in the Southwest. You can schedule an appointment in two ways: You can call us directly at 800-TEMPLE-MED ( 800-836-7536) between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Buchanan later pardoned Young. Provo, Utah Area. [140] The Reformation appeared to have ended completely by early 1858. After Miriam died of consumption, Vilate continued to care for Brigham's children while he, Heber, and Joseph Young travelled to visit Joseph Smith in Kirtland, Ohio. [164] In the 1840s, Young strove to keep aloof from nationwide political debates over slavery, avoiding committing to either antislavery or proslavery positions. The Brigham City Utah Temple won the PCI Design Award for Best Religious Structure in 2014. [39], Under Young's direction, the quorum organized the exodus of Latter Day Saints from Missouri to Illinois in 1838. Young's leadership style has been viewed as autocratic. Young himself condemned the counterfeiting. [82] Young named Heber C. Kimball as his first counselor and Willard Richards as his second. It will be a beacon from all over the valley."1. [178] Young built the Lion House, the Beehive House, the Gardo House, and the White House in downtown Salt Lake City to accommodate his sizable family. Request a telemedicine appointment through our form or by calling 800-TEMPLE-MED (800-836-7536). Brigham City Utah Temple (image source LDS.org) Address 250 S Main St Brigham City UT 84302-2560 United States Telephone 435-695-2170 Services. These included a wagon express company, a ferryboat company, a railroad and the manufacturing of processed lumber, wool, sugar beets, iron, and liquor. [87] During his time as governor, Young directed the establishment of settlements throughout present-day Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, California and parts of southern Colorado and northern Mexico. At its prime, the alphabet was used in two Deseret News articles, two elementary readers, and in a translation of the Book of Mormon. [103], On October 16, 1875, Young deeded buildings and land in Provo, Utah to a board of trustees for establishing an institution of learning, ostensibly as part of the University of Deseret. A century after Young's death, historian Rodman W. Paul wrote,[162]. [66] Young led the church as president of the Quorum of the Twelve until December 5, 1847, when the quorum unanimously agreed to organize a new First Presidency with Young as president of the church. Building and landscape designs were created to reflect both the history of Brigham City and the classical designs found at the Logan, Manti, and Salt Lake temples. [72], Repeated conflict in Nauvoo led Young to relocate his group of Latter-day Saints to the Salt Lake Valley, which was then part of Mexico. [116][117][118] The LDS Church has since repudiated the AdamGod doctrine. [74] Young arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847, a date now recognized as Pioneer Day in Utah. [2] His last words were "Joseph! "[132], These racial restrictions remained in place until 1978, when the policy was rescinded by church president Spencer W. Kimball,[133] and the church subsequently "disavow[ed] theories advanced in the past" to explain this ban,[134] essentially attributing the origins of the ban solely to Young. [91] It was established on February 28, 1850, as the University of Deseret; its name was eventually changed to the University of Utah. "[177] By the time of his death, Young had fifty-seven children by sixteen of his wives; forty-six of his children reached adulthood. This is due to differences in what scholars have considered to be a "wife". [38] When Joseph Smith arrived in Far West, he appointed Young, along with Thomas Marsh and David Patten, as "presidency pro tem" in Missouri. Brigham Young University. [102] Young viewed education as a process of learning how to make the Kingdom of God a reality on earth, and at the core of his "philosophy of education" was the belief that the church had within itself all that was necessary to save mankind materially, spiritually, and intellectually. [168][169][170] There is also evidence to suggest Young believed in the racial superiority of white men. Monday, 27 March 2023 - Monday, 10 April 2023, Saturday, 20 May 2023 (Limited Operations), Monday, 28 August 2023 - Monday, 11 September 2023, Tuesday, 31 October 2023 (Limited Operations), Wednesday, 22 November 2023 (Limited Operations). During his time as church president, Young led his followers, the Mormon pioneers, west from Nauvoo, Illinois, to the Salt Lake Valley. Young was born shortly after his return. Can we use your current location to find the nearest temple? The mint was closed in 1861 by Alfred Cumming, gubernatorial successor to Young. As governor and church president, Young directed both religious and economic matters. [107] The Young Women organization was first called the Retrenchment Association, and was intended to promote the turning of young girls away from the costly and extravagant ways of the world. "[128] In 1863, Young stated: "Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? He credited Young's leadership with helping to settle much of the American West:[162]. Jedediah M. Grant, one of the key figures of the Reformation and one of Young's counselors, traveled throughout the Territory preaching to Latter-day Saint communities and settlements with the goal of inspiring them to reject sin and turn towards spiritual things. There he showed a talent for organizing the church's work and maintaining good relationships with Joseph Smith and the other apostles. should serve the seed of Abraham; he should not be a ruler, nor vote for men to rule over me nor my brethren. On this mission he visited the family of his aunt, Rhoda Howe Richards. He also helped to convince Hyrum to accept polygamy. After meeting Joseph Smith, Young joined the Church of Christ in April 9, 1832. "[9], Young married Miriam Angeline Works, whom he had met in Port Byron in October 1824. [142], When federal officials received reports of widespread and systematic obstruction of federal officials in Utah (most notably judges), U.S. President James Buchanan decided in early 1857 to install a non-Mormon governor. Sign up to receive COVID-19 updates from Temple Health, including latest treatments, clinical trials, vaccine, booster shots, health tips and FAQs. "[173] Young adopted the Christian idea of the Curse of Hama racist interpretation of Genesis 9 which white proponents of slavery in antebellum America used to justify enslaving black people of African descent[174]and applied it liberally and literally. In 1849, Young arranged for a printing press to be brought to the Salt Lake Valley, which was later used to print the Deseret News periodical. Philadelphia, PA. All rights reserved. 2022Temple University Health System, Inc. You will see in the design of it reflections of previous temples that have been built, particularly the Salt Lake Temple. Temple Services Telephone; Aba Nigeria Temple (+234) 80-3903-4804: Accra Ghana Temple (+233) 302-650-123: Adelaide Australia Temple (+61) 8-8363-8000: Albuquerque New Mexico Temple : 505-822-5110: Anchorage Alaska Temple : 907-348-7890: Apia Samoa Temple (+685) 64-230: Arequipa Peru Temple (+51) 54-640-300: Asuncin Paraguay Temple (+595) 21-216-92 He joined the Nauvoo city council in 1841 and oversaw the first baptisms for the dead in the unfinished Nauvoo temple. If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. Young was played by Dean Jagger in the 1940 film Brigham Young. From another planet, Adam brought Eve, one of his wives, with him to the earth, where they became mortal by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Researchers note that not all of the fifty-six marriages were conjugal. Learn more about rooms in the temple and their unique purposes. Young established a gold mint in 1849 and called for the minting of coins using gold dust which had been accumulated from travelers during the Gold Rush. Byron Morrow played Young in a cameo appearance in the Death Valley Days 1966 episode "An Organ for Brother Brigham". United States. On October 3, 2009, during the Saturday morning session of the 179th Semiannual General Conference, President Thomas S. Monson announced the construction of the Brigham City Utah TempleUtah's fourteenth temple. [195] He encounters Joseph Smith and attempts to ambush his party of Mormons, but, rather than engaging with "the Clitoris Man", Smith shows mercy, rubbing one of the frogs that God has given him to have sex with to cure his AIDS on Young's face, curing his AIDS, and so moving him that he decides to convert to the faith. Some Latter Day Saint denominations, such as the Community of Christ, consider Young the "Father of Mormon Polygamy". Email Log in to send email to temple. [176] The policy and practice of polygamy was difficult for many in the church to accept. [171] His manuscript history from January 5, 1852, which was published in the Deseret News, reads: The negro . "[76], Upon being asked why he chose for them to settle in the Salt Lake Valley, Young stated: "We have been kicked out of the frying-pan into the fire, out of the fire into the middle of the floor, and here we are and here we will stay. Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University. Temple University Hospital Jeanes Campus, Temple University Hospital Episcopal Campus, Temple University Hospital Northeastern Campus, Publications for Healthcare Professionals. He instituted a ban prohibiting conferring the priesthood on men of black African descent, and led the church in the Utah War against the United States. If you would prefer us to contact you, please fill out the form below. [153], Young engaged in a vast assortment of commercial ventures by himself and in partnership with others. Brotherton signed an affidavit saying that she had been locked in Smith's office for two days while Young and others tried to convince her to accept polygamy. ", invoking the name of the late Joseph Smith Jr, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement. According to the doctrine, Adam was once a mortal man who became resurrected and exalted. He also provisioned the building of the Endowment House, a "temporary temple" which began to be used in 1855 to provide temple ordinances to church members while the Salt Lake Temple was under construction. [110] During his tenure, Young oversaw construction of the Salt Lake Tabernacle and announced plans to build the St. George (1871), Manti (1875), and Logan (1877) temples. [ 2 ] his last words were `` Joseph Jan. 1852, in 1844, Young travelled again... Consist of 123 surface stalls, and in response Young also spoke in,!, whom he had met in Port Byron in October 1824 a `` wife '' Community Christ! Identified as the original Box Elder Stake between the Rockies and the Sierra.! Not an official website of the first Utah Territorial Legislature and established Fillmore the., which was published in the Journal of discourses Young converted to the Reformed Church! Accept polygamy Smith identified as the original Box Elder Stake Address 250 S Main St Brigham City Council,.! 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Wetransfer We're Nearly Ready No Expiration Date,