Other laws followed that officially ratified nursing professional autonomy (Sala & Manara, 1999) and established key competencies. Six themes emerged that provide insights into nurses experiences with changes occurring in Italy during the past decade (20012011). Academic experts. . The second paradox related to the contradiction that whereas unions organize nurses and unite them through contracts that include more benefits and protections, they continue to sanction old roles of the nurse not recognizing advanced nursing practice roles as valid for union contracts in Italy. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, Italian Culturally Competent Nursing Care, Spirituality and Health Assessment in Nursing, Reality Shock Transition for Nurses Review, Pernicious Anaemia: Causes and Curing Procedures, Emerging Standards of Culturally Competent Care, An Analysis of Islamic Laws Aspects of the E-Sale Contracts, Culturally Competent and Culturally Responsive Learning Strategy, Heath and Wellness. For me, this is the pivotal passage. Since coraggio is [one of] our deep Italian values, it has to be in our ethical code in our professional identity. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. (Kittler et al., 2017), A healthcare provider should use respectful communication practices that are warm and empathetic. Several building blocks were found to be critical to cementing nursing infrastructure in Italy. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this essay are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of NursingAnswers.net. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day and is known to be followed by a nap. (Kittler et al., 2017), Pasta, eggs, meats, cheese, vegetables (eggplant, artichokes, bell peppers, and tomatoes), butter, dairy products, rice, olive oil, fish, beans, garlic, and spices (parsley, basil, oregano, anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves) are all staple ingredients in Italian foods. In the past, it may have been acceptable for doctors not to tell a patient they had cancer. The aim of this study is to validate in Italian the "Nurse Cultural Competence Scale" (NCCS), an assessment tool which measures the cultural competence level of nursing staff. Preliminary evidence, however, told us that reflective clinical decision-making was a means to cope with the deductive jungle and the IPASVI-CoE had to use it as a source of educational training, with a particular focus on skillset development in clinical decision-making. . You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you But this autonomy is a decision of that very moment and you still have to manage the patient. Critical care nurses are required to enhance the cultural capability to be successful in founding relations with patients and to accurately assess, develop, and implement nursing interventions designed to meet patients needs. How are we to give quality standards of care? We are educated health professionals who are doctors in miniature, with small skillset. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. Metasynthesis and bricolage: An artistic exercise of creating a collage of meaning, Nursing under the influence: A relational ethics perspective. September 1, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/italian-culturally-competent-nursing-care/. Ongoing socioeconomic-political forces in Italy were thought to contribute to the persistent lack of autonomy among nurses: Nurses are caught in and disappearing within a vortex of shifts in changes every day. Another study participant noted that, Nurses are overwhelmed by conflicts and autonomy issues, which are spiraling out of control in this time of our professional cultural evolution. This descriptor was also used to depict generational tensions between more established nurses and those recently entering the profession; the incongruence between theory and practice; and, in clinical settings, which were said to be rooted in old ways amid a new cohort of nursing professionals striving for new standards of care. Nurses continue old ways; professionalism [is] still lacking and the focus is on technical tasks. Given the role of head nurses in effecting policy change and assuring compliance, the leopard spot metaphor allowed a more nonthreatening way to identify those who were resistant to change, and how to build buy-in and support for new policy and practices. What consequences are there for the future of the nursing profession in Italy if the current change did not happen? Camerino D., Conway P. M., van der Heijden B. I., Estryn-Bhar M., Costa G., Hasselhorn H. M. (2008). We have to do something with the means we have, with our IPASVI, with our professional associations, with our Regulatory Boards, with the transformation of our image. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by Focus group sessions took place in a private conference room. But one structure is not enough. Only one system has possibilities for us, IPASVI-CoE. (2013). Stievano A., De Marinis M. G., Rocco G., Russo M. T., Alvaro R. (2012). For Italian nursing students, the experience with dying patients is formative. Though older immigrants fear that drafts (Kittler et al., 2017), hidden emotions and the supernatural might be the cause of illness. Aside from its rich cultural heritage, taking a nursing program here can offer many work and learning opportunities. The influence of a national professional organization such as IPASVI to break down barriers in the Italian health care system that impede progress was viewed as essential to building on current nursing reforms and sanctioning achievements made in clinical practice and education to date. Although it was clear that IPASVI-CoE was pivotal to advocating changes and advancing Italian nursing, concern existed whether a singular nursing infrastructure was sufficient to maintain and sustain the changes in nursing practice and education that were needed in Italy. We need ways to be courageous. Several groups discussed the forces that underscore resistance to change internally (within the nursing profession) and externally (from other health professions). What is the connection between the nursing cultural change and the advent of evidence-based practice in Italy? Nurses bring these rich cultural values with them to the profession. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: Culture is one of the most important determining factors in healthcare preferences and practices. specializes in NICU. In 2010, IPASVI-Rome launched a Center of Excellence (CoE), first-of-its-kind, national infrastructure specifically designed to advance the field of nursing in Italy. important in Italian culture to set aside time for leisure. (Kittler et al., 2017), Common to American health beliefs Italians view their well-being is defined as the ability to pursue normal, daily activities (Kittler et al., 2017). Retrieved August 4, 2019, from https://twu.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-4576076-dt-content-rid-117317307_1/courses/17FANFS317351/HP2020_brochure_with_LHI_508_FNL.pdf. Traditional cures are often used for instance lemon for colds and flu, garlic for high blood pressure, and canarino, an herbal teach by boiling a few bay leaves together with some lemon rind, to treat a stomach ache. I will counsel them on why the restrictions should not be ignored. In contrast, cultural reforms for Italian nursing are largely compelled through public laws, 1Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, Rome, Italy, The Evolution of Professional Nursing Culture in Italy. Disclaimer: This essay has been written by a student and not our expert nursing writers. Affonso D. D., De Marinis M. G., Finocchi G., Piredda M., Pulimeno L., Tartaglini D., Rocco G. (2007). Destrebecq A., Lusignani M., Terzoni S. (2009). or developmental, [such as knowledge of practice guidelines]. Outcomes included phrases and descriptors representing categorical evaluations of the codebooks/worksheets. At the outset, the group facilitator addressed group dynamics, including issues such as censoring and conformity. Coraggio was also discussed relative to its dimension of economics that drive social-public systems change. BERGAMO, Italy and BRESCIA, Italy, Jan. 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Italian Capital of Culture 2023 will be inaugurated in Bergamo and Brescia on the 20 th, 21 st and 22 nd of January as the two . Leopard spots represented the innate unchanging way of the old regime whereas Deductive jungle conveyed nurses individual struggles in clinical decision making throughout their professional experiences. We used a qualitative focus group design. The questions used to stimulate group discussion were likely too numerous; this precluded a fuller in-depth discussion, which was the goal of conducting focus groups. This facilitated and enabled full participation by all study authors, including those who did not speak Italian. The Decree of the Ministry of Health 739/1994 (called Professional Profile) (Destrebecq, Lusignani, & Terzoni, 2009; Stievano, De Marinis, Rocco, Russo, & Alvaro, 2012) provided the first recognition of professional autonomy for nurses in Italy (enacted in 1990). Get Access Related Better Essays Always greet the client with a smile and a hand shake. Use of the leopard spots metaphor to illuminate the strength of old regimes (still prevalent within the Italian health system) revealed the true nature of obstinate, resistive forces to changes in health care system reform. Namely, Italy had to move from the current pivotal role of hospital-based medically dominated care to a more regional-territorial approach that enabled interprofessional models of collaborative care (Price, McGillis Hall, Angus, & Peter, 2013). 3. Focus groups data were transcribed verbatim within 2 days of the group session. Metaphor is used as a primary vehicle to enhance understanding of the scientific and artistic approaches investigating a phenomenon (Kinn, Holgersen, Ekeland, & Davidson, 2013; Sharoff, 2013). I want to say theres a contradiction that a real sense of nursing is lacking in our nursing science. Bryson, J., & Hosken, C. (2005). Nursing Shortage: As Serious As It Is Publicized. Another program that improves the health of the Italian American culture would be the Obesity Society. As Italian culture differs greatly to that of Australian culture, their beliefs and attitudes towards healthand the way they approach treatment can be very diverse and they may need additional community resources to help them access appropriate care and understand the services available to them. National health care reform initiatives are focused on improving access to quality care, integrating services across the continuum of care, managing costs, and building the long-term sustainability of the health care system as a whole. For example, possibilities exist for a nurse to have a managerial career. But if a nurse desires to pursue a clinical career, such as in advanced nursing practice, this is not recognized by availability in working contracts. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (, culture / cultural competence, Europe / Europeans, focus groups, health professionals, research, qualitative, nursing. Experience exchange conferences would also be rather helpful. Metaphors in qualitative research: Shedding light or casting shadows? Nurses also used the vortex metaphor to convey a sense of being overwhelmed by high patient workloads, which were made more complicated by sparse decision-making authority and a lack of autonomy to actively participate in formulating clinical care solutions: Cultural evolution of nursing is a slow process; nurses going around and around in a vortex, overwhelmed by changes, discourse, less power and no solutions. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher in nursing or healthcare? . student. Medical care at an Italian Medical Facility is very much the same as in the United States despite some cultural differences that . Pertinent ethical committees in nursing schools involved in the study, where the different nurse participants gathered on a voluntary basis, approved the research and assured the study was conducted in an ethical manner. A discussion paper, Medical dominance in Italy: A partial decline, Autonomy, evidence, and intuition: Nurses and decision-making, Professional autonomy in 21st century healthcare: Nurses accounts of clinical decision-making. Undergraduate nursing students (three, one observer per focus group), trained as participant observers, took notes, paying particular attention to nonverbal behaviors and dynamics during group sessions. We dont apply the centrality of the patient care and we should be more congruent with this kind of patient care innovation! Updated: 02/18/2022 Gennaro Rocco, Director of the Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, IPASVI Rome, Viale Giulio Cesare 78, 00192, Rome, Italy. Used by several groups to communicate how courage underpins change, the Italian expression of coraggio is deeply valued and practiced by nurses: It is an ethical value often associated with the exposition of social phenomena in Italy. Therefore, Italians get more outgoing when they come into contact with members of their ethnic group. (2021) 'Italian Culturally Competent Nursing Care'. Building on the interplay of the vortex and leopard spot metaphors, Italian nurses also referenced and elaborated on the metaphor of deductive jungle used to convey nurses individual struggles in clinical decision making throughout their professional experiences: Nurses are living in a deductive jungle; critical aspects of the profession are variable, [such as curricula] . Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. The Obesity Society is a great public health program for the Italian American culture as obesity shows up in 45% of women and 66% of men throughout the culture. Academisation of nursing: An ethnography of social transformations in Chile. A team of selected nurse participant representatives checked the research findings to ensure that they were true to nurse participants perceptions (Saldaa, 2013). The Villa Carital Care Community was built and funded by the Carraresi Foundation and the British Columbia Provincial Government. With a rise in obesity in the Italian culture this is an important factor to keep in mind when counseling. These included (a) critical processes (to build, manage, and sustain changes), (b) resources (including physical and intellectual capacity and funding), (c) multi-level supports including intra and intercollaborations (involving other disciplines), (d) cross-sector partnerships including the Italian Ministries of Health and Education, and (e) active community supports. Camerino D., Estryn-Bhar M., Conway P. M., van Der Heijden B. I., Hasselhorn H. M. (2008). Kittler, P. G., Sucher, K. P., & Nahikian-Nelms, M. (2017). It's funny how similar they are to my own culture when it comes to family and food. Culturally Competent Family Therapy: A General Model. (Lyn & Killian, 2010) Parenting styles vary within the different regions in Italy, but in general, most parents take a casual approach to discipline. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for . "Shaking hands with everyone in the room in greeting and leaving is appropriate" (Kittler et al., 2017). The complex nature of these forces were reflected by the Italian nurses reference to the leopard spot metaphor. Because the unions fear that nurses with competencies can create difficulties for nurses who dont have up-to-date skillsets . Laura Sabatino, PhD student, MScN, RN, is a lecturer at Tor Vergata University in Rome, Italy. Three of the six themes incorporated metaphors. I have to compile a portfolio that identifies the religious and cultural beliefs and practices for the care of a deceased person from the Italian culture, and Iam having significant trouble in finding adequate info, so please if you guys know of any good sites or resouces please enlighten me. Community Nursing, Physiology, General Pathology, Intensive care, Healthcare Management, Healthcare Law, and many more. In Italy, professional cultural reforms connote different perspectives among the health professions. B., Barbosa da Silva A., Berg A., Severinsson E. (2010). As patients advocates, critical care nurses are needed to maintain assessments made by patients or their families that could replicate a cultural standpoint that diverges from conventional healthcare procedures. Professional dignity in nursing in clinical and community workplaces. Less Risk of Healthcare Disparity: Health disparity refers to the differences in the health status of different groups of people. Dyanne D. Affonso, PhD, FAAN, is honorary president, Center of Excellence for Nursing ScholarshipIPASVI in Rome, Italy. changes in the culture of Italian medicine focus on physicians becoming more flexible in their power and control of health care via collaboration and partnership with other health pro-fessions as well as their patients. Coraggio signifies the depth of psychological resilience necessary to traverse negative forces encountered. Cultural competency is known to improve the attitudes and knowledge of nursing staff, which makes patients feel more at ease, leading to greater patient satisfaction scores. Study authors used a semi-structured focus group format. About Us. IvyPanda. Gennaro Rocco, MScN, RN, is director of the Center of Excellence for Nursing ScholarshipIPASVI in Rome, Italy. You can go visit this doctor within the official working hours he or she has declared. Similarly, the nurse directors focus group brought forth another dimension of coraggio, that of advocating for patients and families by making patients first in patient care: In reality, one definition of centrality of the patient in the nursing care talks about a shared responsibility between health professionals and patient. In these circumstances, the necessity for culturally competent curing is prominently obvious. The fourth and the fifth authors of the study, assisted by a group of trained undergraduate nursing students, then developed categories, based on the codebook, which reflected topics, issues, and other concerns of importance to the group. The vivid use of metaphors and choice of particular semantics helped to more fully communicate the evolutionary process of the field of nursing in Italy, including its different levels of meanings, passion, and concomitant needs. Between the nursing cultural change and the advent of evidence-based practice in Italy to give quality of. 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