And if all of these examples dont provide enough reasons to explore the ocean, well, ocean exploration is also just cool (if you need it: proof). This is very important since as the time goes by, the number of people escalated and so does the need for foods and other human needs. U.S. Department of Commerce, understanding of the ocean remains limited, NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Using cyanide as a particular example, is especially bad due to how poisonous it is., Offshore oil drilling is the method of extracting oil from the seabed of oceans. Live and Die on Mars Over 200,000 people applied to travel to Mars on 2024. Decent Essays. As the first step in the scientific process, the rigorous observations and documentation of biological, chemical, physical, geological, and archaeological aspects of the ocean gained from exploration set the stage for future research and decision-making. The pros and cons of oil drilling has been a debatable topic since a long time. We can conclude from the previous discussion that space travel has many important advantages and disadvantages. Ocean energy is a predictable energy resource. As many of us know, our fossil resources will become depleted sooner or later and when we run out of natural resources, chances are that our technological progress will suffer significantly. From the initial build to ongoing maintenance, the costs of maintaining an ocean energy facility are more predictable than other sources of renewable energy. Among above issue, human beings actively develop other ocean resources to resolve ore resources and ocean energy resources as one of benefitsdeep seaexploration. Ocean pollution is on of the major problems, is massive spreading of harmful substances in the ocean. Many species cannot genetically adapt because ocean acidification is occurring too rapidly., She introduces the idea that water pollution has a greater impact than imaginable and the importance of stopping water pollution is, as a result, incredibly important. Good Essays. 1.How much does human being know about ocean and deep sea expeditions? That equates to about 34 billion barrels of crude in the U.S. Arctic waters. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Irresponsible Ocean Creature Captures. Unable to leave Seattle before 4 pm on a Sunday and need to return to Seattle by 7 pm on Thursday. Crystal Lombardo is a contributing editor for Vision Launch. In turn, this can also lead to higher wealth and income inequality across the planet. While some scientists claim that space travel does not lead to too many severe long-term health issues, other scientists claim that radiation is a serious problem in space travel and that the chances to suffer from cancer will be much higher for astronauts compared to the average person in our society. One of the effects of ocean exploration, although may seem unimportant, is that it can inspire the young people to seek careers in the fields that may contribute to the ocean literacy such as mathematics, engineering, science, and technology. The voyages of explorers had a dramatic impact on European trade. In fact, our Earth will likely not provide us with a suitable living space forever and due to global warming and other environmental problems, we may have to leave our Earth behind sooner or later. The universe is a vast place where hidden dangers could be lurking almost anywhere. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Space travel also gives us the opportunity to always experience and explore new things. Moreover, it can also be quite helpful to create 3-D maps that can be accessed via the internet. Meander horizontally belly button down, shoulder down, or heels down. 5. Space provides both medicinal and technological advancements, yet the ocean not only brings those about, but also has a plethora of more benefits including jobs. Although in the positive points it is said that ocean exploration is cheaper than the space, the ocean exploration is becoming exceedingly expensive as the time goes by. can help us find solutions for some of the problems our civilization will face, such as overopulation and the need to colonize other planets. Easy transportation through pipelines. Increases supply. Of course, the c. Environmental Conscience aims to provide unique high-quality content that is helpful to the reader. Spain and Portugal showered early explorers like Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama with gold and glory when they returned home. Seascape: the state of our oceans MRSA and superbugs Scientists fear impact of deep-sea mining on search for new medicines Microbes from deep-sea sponges could be a breakthrough in the fight. The strategy bags the new demand by familiarizing unique products with advanced features that stand apart from the crowd. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'environmental_conscience_com-leader-4','ezslot_21',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-leader-4-0');Another upside of space exploration is that we as humans can realize our place in the universe. Con: Unsafe voyage. Another benefit of space travel is that we may also find planets that we could colonize in the near future. Another important advantage of space travel is that it allows us to detect serious threats that could potentially wipe out humanity. As a result, more goods, raw materials and precious metals entered Europe. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_12',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-medrectangle-4-0'); As many of us know, our fossil resources will become depleted sooner or later and when we run out of natural resources, chances are that our technological progress will suffer significantly. Climate regulation: Covering 70 percent of the Earth's surface, the ocean transports heat from the equator to the poles, regulating our climate and weather patterns. How long deep sea exploration history is? As there are good effects, we cant deny the fact that there are some negative effects of ocean exploration too as not all people can use the ocean wisely. The Aboriginal people were enslaved the Europeans took away the Aboriginals peoples way of life and all of there beliefs. As we said before, although this may seem unimportant but it actually is since it young people can have fresh insights to the ocean literacy as the different generations may have develop different and unique ways of thinking. The motivation behind this expansion was simple. Underwater sea creatures are far more abundant in species and species than on land. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. However, through space travel, we could at least increase the chances to get in touch with other extraterrestrial life forms a little bit. These are the key points to consider when we begin to look at what life might look like in the vastness of space. . Since the second half of the 19th century, various countries have been racing to send out deep sea research ships and set up coastal biological research institutions. Leaving aside the fact that NASA's civil servants and contractors all live here on Earth, and thus the money is spent here, NASA's fifty years of . It's really really big. It's a pretty exciting idea, but what are the pros and cons of sending tourists to space? 362 Words; 2 Pages; Open Document. However, because of the great thickness of the water layer, the human understanding of the deep sea is not as good as that of moon surface, or even Mars! The information of new findings may lead people to be greedy and take them from their supposed place just for the benefits of some people. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, Copyright 2019 Aquarobotman All Rights Reserved, Please contact us at, translation missing: en.cart.general.close. Some of these advantages include: Allowing people to know more about the universe. Storage of oil is easy. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Failure is one of the most common things that happen throughout life but you can learn a lot from it. We stare up at the stars and dream of reaching them, but few people look off the . However, this will only be possible if we detect the meteorite in time and therefore, space exploration can be crucial to prevent catastrophic disasters in the future. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_22',198,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); In turn, we could take measures to prevent this collision. The European monarchies that sponsored had similar motivations. What are some positive effects of European exploration? What was the motivation behind exploration? Any scalability effort offers pros and cons to consider. Polar bears could be harmed by oil exploration even if there is not a single well drilled . As a species, humans are naturally inquisitive curiosity, desire for knowledge, and quest for adventure motivate modern explorers even today. 2 Pages. The environmental services of coral reefs hold great importance, but with the bleaching and acidity in the water these medicines could not be created., The most important creatures in the oceans ecosystem like coral are being depleted and overpopulation of photosynthetic algae is going overrun the oceans if nothings done. Space travel does cost quite a bit. In fact, over the past decades, numerous important inventions have been made. Vice versa, we can also know what parts of our life that may cause harm to the ocean that will most likely impact us, human, too in the end and then fix those parts for the oceans sake. Possible encounters of asteroid harnesses. Report an Error, Site Index Exploring other planets can be an exceptional thing; for example, it creates jobs. Reducing the pH level in ocean also decrease the availability of dissolved carbonate ion necessary for shell formation., The fish food trade is currently valued at more than $1 billion dollars (Threat to Coral Reefs: Trade in Coral Organisms). They Are Trying To Normalize SADS Like They Did With SIDS. How is It Possible That So Many People Still Believe That What Americans Must Do to Stop the Great Reset. Whats more to it is that ocean exploration may even be relatively easier than those of the space (although we are aware that some parts of the ocean are too deep that the human cant even reach it yet, but in general, ocean is obviously reachable than the space). The costs of generating power from this renewable source of energy are extremely high. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. As we can see, there are some good and bad effects caused by the ocean exploration. There is enough energy contained within ocean waves that can completely replace the current base load if the infrastructure were to be built to capture that energy. Yes, there are other astronauts on space stations. Space exploration proponents argue that although Space exploration is very costly, the cost is worth it since the knowledge humans have gained from Space is not comparable to the cost. Can you exert a force on an object without doing work? In my opinion, the benefits of European exploration did not outweigh the consequences. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Because five one-hundred percent ocean explored fields are just exploited. Particle pollution is closely related to the air pollution problem. The thoughts of challenging the deep ocean may taunt people more to innovate technology and engineering breakthroughs that can even be applied in other situations too. ANWR vs. the Arctic Ocean. Europeans gained new materials like gold, silver, and jewels. There are still mysteries to discover about our own planet! Findings from the ocean exploration are very fundamental to fill in the gaps on the blank information regarding the ocean. 71 percent of the earth's surface is covered by ocean and only 29 percent by land. Most of the region was Americas. Turbines generate electricity through the power of waves, making them a completely pollution-free, renewable energy source. What impact did Exploration have on the new world? Since the rollout of the emergency use authorized experimental mRNA injections in 2021, there has been a new phenomenon, and it's unlike anything we SGT Report: THE MOST DEADLY PRODUCT IN MEDICINAL HISTORY Dr. This also implies that not only astronauts, but also private people will be able to see the true beauty of space, at least if they have the money to do so. One important advantage of space exploration is that it gives humanity the opportunity to exploit additional resources in outer space. Space exploration is not only important for humanity as a whole, it is also crucial on a country level. Ocean exploration may lead us to some artefacts that are from years and years ago. Consumers benefit from that innovation with lower pricing, which means more products can be purchased, and that can stimulate further growth. Marine biologists observed Marine life in the natural environment underwater for the first time. Major pros and cons of deepwater oil drilling Pro: Offshore drilling allowed to increase oil production. 1. We have a very big universe that offers numerous mysteries that likely defy anything in our current imagination. Space missions also imply significant costs. Please note that all the information I provide on this website is to my best knowledge. Space exploration, especially manned exploration, involves a number of potential dangers. Top 10 Space Exploration Pros & Cons Summary List, particles are emitted into our atmosphere, Personal Brand vs. Corporate Brand: 24 Key Pros & Cons, 24 Key Pros & Cons Of Investing In (Retro) Video Games, 34 Major Pros & Cons Of Investing In Comic Books, Gold Bars vs. Gold Coins: 23 Precious Pros & Cons, 31 Cool Pros & Cons Of Owning A Classic Car, 24 Key Pros & Cons Of Unemployment Benefits, 32 Key Pros & Cons Of Investing In Trading Cards, 30 Precious Pros & Cons Of Investing In Art, 23 Key Pros & Cons Of Conventional Farming, 31 Healthy Pros & Cons Of Donating Blood & Plasma, Space exploration can provide us with resources, Space travel provides endless opportunities, Humans can learn humility from space travel, Mental pressure on astronauts can be high, Extraterrestrial life can become a danger, Many space missions do not deliver results. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. No one really knows what the best practices to harvest ocean energy would be. As an associate, I may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon or other programs. Before European exploration, products from India and a few other countries like Malaysia were exorbitantly prized. 8 Are there any negative effects of ocean exploration? This new infographic from 911metallurgist shows the pros and cons of deep sea mining (including the economic benefits and the environmental impacts) and whether it is worth the risk. Hence, astronauts still have to enter a rocket with the knowledge that there will be the risk that they will never come back home from their missions. In my opinion, it can make sense to explore space in order to secure the survival of the human species. Space: may be inhabitable in the future. Two types of mineral deposits are garnering the most interest from deep sea mining studies: sea-floor massive sulphide deposits and polymetallic nodules. The challenges met while exploring the ocean can provide the impetus for new technologies and engineering innovations that can be applied in other situations, allowing us to respond more effectively in the face of an ocean crisis, such as an oil spill. Introduction- Write a few introductory lines about the UNCLOS and ISA and its relation to seabed mining. If we can find ways to counter the negatives that exist when considering this renewable source of energy, we could change everything. Developed technology for exploring space. Another prime issue is offshore drilling; starting from locating to the drilling process, it disturbs the sea environment. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The planet is covered with water. The ocean is big. This part of the ice that survives at least two summers is called " multi-year ice ". One of the familiar complaints that NASA receives when its budget comes up for approval is that ".the money really ought to be spent down here instead of up there". The Pros of Ocean Energy 1. Slavery brought a great deal of money for the explorers and their country. 2. It even costs a lot to launch a space shuttle, not build one, but launch. E.g under the United Nations Convention on the . Christopher Columbus was a devout Catholic. The average depth of the ocean is up to 3,680 meters, and the deepest Mariana trench reaches 1,1034 meters. Even to travel at the current space speed record to the nearest known exoplanet would take 43,000 years (4). While space travel has become much safer over the past decades, it is still a rather risky project and the chances for accidents are still present. There are very few power plants in the world right now that generate power from the ocean, which means there is a limited commercial market where products can be manufactured to build new plants. Quite efficient energy source. For example, the overexposing of the great barrier reef that may cause damages to the reef due to the people who visits it that dont really understand how to deal with them and so many other factors. Here are some of the negative effects (9-15) that may or have emerge from the ocean exploration: Ocean exploration can also lead people to locate the parts in the ocean that are actually full of resources for us, human. While describing the impact of one of the most remote habitats does infer that all habitats are hurt by water pollution, multiple examples are not present, so the amount of evidence to support my research paper are, Why ocean exploration is well worth the risk. In general, we as humans are curious creatures and want to learn and explore. In turn, chances are that the resulting competition will benefit humanity as a whole since space companies will be more eager to invent new technologies and to make processes much more efficient. The human-occupied vehicle (HOV) DEEPSEA CHALLENGER is a one-person submersible capable of reaching full-ocean depth. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, are aircraft that can be controlled remotely by a pilot, or by preprogrammed plans or automation systems that enable them to fly autonomously. In fact, it is quite expensive to explore space and depending on the lengths and the goal of the respective mission, many millions or even billions of dollars have to be used. The continuous exploration on the ocean can keep us informed about the oceans conditions from time to time. After finishing university, I traveled around the world. My name is Andreas and my mission is to educate people of all ages about our environmental problems and how everyone can make a contribution to mitigate these issues. Open Document. In fact, in our current state of the world, numerous jobs depend on this industry and chances are that many additional jobs will be created in the field of space exploration in the near future. Exploration helps to ensure that ocean resources are not just managed, but managed in a sustainable way, so those resources are around for future generations to enjoy. THE. Apart from the many important advantages of space exploration, there are still some issues with space travel. Thanks to the orbit of the moon, we can predict with great regularity what the tidal tables are going to be. At our current state of the world, not only countries, but also private corporations engage in the space travel market. Satisfactory Essays. However, through space travel, we soon realize how big the universe really is and that we are indeed just a tiny grain of sand on a big beach. The sensing system is miniaturized to 12 kg with only 40 W power consumption to have a longer mission duration. How is It Possible That So Many People Still Believe That the Earth Is Flat? Fossil fuel is used to power the engines of different vehicles in the land, air, and sea. 7 What are some positive effects of European exploration? Levels of sewage pollution are very high and has caused a variety of sponges, and other species to decline., The statement, sharks will drown if they stop swimming, has been proved as a myth, however, as the acidity increases in the ocean, sharks have been found to be swimming for longer periods of time. Imagine if we could harness the power of the waves to heat our homes, power our computers, and maintain our lifestyles. It has one of the highest power densities that we know of today. Although it can take years for it to be something that the world can rely on, as a whole, altogether we can do it. Yet, this is not the same as being together with your family. It provides humanity with hope for the future. Exclusive Economic Zone is important for national security, allowing us to set boundaries, protect American interests, and claim ocean resources. You already know how the law of supply and demand works - the higher the supply, the lower the demand, thus, the lower the fuel prices. 2. Theres more water here than land, which means there is a tremendous amount of ocean energy that could be used to power our needs. 7. Answer: The pros of oil exploration would be that the world is TOO NEEDY of fossil-fuels because without the adequate energy needed, the world will tumble into energy poverty which will collapse economies of each and every scale and the planet will fall into an economical abyss. For instance, through space exploration, we may be able to detect a meteorite that is on collision course with our earth. By-products can be used for plastic production. It cost about $450-billion to launch a space shuttle. It needs to be addressed to the public as a serious matter in order produce satisfactory solutions to saving the ocean and the creatures within it. Deep-sea findings can even unlock some new resources from the ecosystems that might give benefits for the medical drugs and other products. However, just like the point before this, continuous exploration may lead some people to capture ocean creatures that are not supposed to be captured and even lead to overfishing. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. World Premiere: Died Suddenly Full Documentary (2022) Must See!! The products and the byproducts that are produced by fossil fuels are essential to our daily lives. 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