Lincoln and Luna both systematically place their hands over their ears. And, nobody can deny that. Just for you.". Whatever happened between her and Sam must've been especially bad. FEW MINUTES LATER As a family, we should help each other when we have problems. Lincoln holds on to the side of the doorway. I hope you can eventually forgive me for being such a jerk to you. Lynn: "Jackie was close, put she couldn't get past me. How was your- *gasp* Oh my gosh, Lincoln!". You SLAPPED a young boy! Yesterday, Lincoln had uncovered a love letter signed to a certain "L. What are you doing here? How are you holding up since she and Bobby moved away? *scoops up his comic books, leaves for his room*, Lori: *frowns as she watches Lincoln leave, doesnt get why hes so upset*, *Later that day, Lori is in her and Lenis room, reading a magazine while Leni is working on a new outfit*. Of course, this wasn't the first time that Luna had displayed interest in a tutor or anything like that. ", "Alright, alright," said Luna, putting her arms up. LOLA: Teach us, when we need help with something. I know youre really trying to help me, and I appreciate that. He really loved her, and he would do anything for her. Im just feeling kinda raw right now. Lori: Eww. Every time she thought about Sam, her heart beats fast like a bass drum. Luna sluggishly awakens from her deep slumber to hear buzzing. (Everyone gasp in complete astonishment and/or shock and they looked at Lincoln in terror), (This was too much for Lincoln as he faints, then the screen fades to black. They're having a lot of fun) LINCOLN: Man, TV is awesome. Didwe really think we could convince them not to move? 1. Because Luna wasn't seeing where she was going, she nearly collides with her mother. ", Lori: "Well, we can still visit them once in a while. Lincoln gives Lori a pleading look. Lincoln: (nervously) "Oh, I'm doing just fine. ", Lori: "Don't worry, mom. ", Leni: "So, are you over your 'Ronnie Anne' problem? ( Everybody started to hug all each other even the pets, and the parents are that Lincoln was in their family). Don't worry about it, I'm here for you, we're all here for you. Lynn Jr.: *sits next to Clyde at the table* Listen Clyde, I know youre hurting right now, but trust me, itll get better over time. All of the comments that she had made regarding that one time Ms. DiMartino presided over her class was enough to confirm her daughter's sexuality. Lori: I literally have no idea. Lincoln walked into kitchen accidentally bumping into Lori. *hugs him*, *A little later, at the Loud house, Rita is talking to Lincoln on the phone. Plus, when was the last time you and Lincoln hung out together, just you two? At 1am in the morning! The loud house fanfiction lincoln heartbroken Luke and Manny, like the typical teenage boys they are, traveled to Alex's campus to find college girls to flirt with. LENI: I was wondering, I wonder how and/or why you got your white hair. YOURE the one with clothes making abilities, not me. Lincoln's worry, doubt and anxiety had been issues he'd struggled with all of his life. Lincoln: "Now let's go inside and see what movies are playing.". Get him to open up about how he feels. Seeing how that didn't really work out for her, she clearly did not want to hear that story again. Before Lincoln takes off, he takes one last look at the house) Lincoln: Goodbye. ", Luna chuckled at this. Rita hugs her back, and she resumes the housework. Lincoln, who had been trying to keep himself from crying for his sisters' sake, couldn't help but to let a few bitter tears escape his eyes. Maybe, you'll try to reason with him. All over a go in Total Trash Takedown. Lincoln: "Would it be alright if I slept with you in your bed? There's never a dull moment with your family, is there? I'm peachy. Lori: Yes. ", Lincoln: "As much as I hate to admit it, yes, that wasme. You're really got some moves there.". Lincoln then woke up in his bedroom with Lori. LYNN: Still, they lied about this for 11 years from us. Sam looks back at her, her grin spreading across her face. ", Lori: "Well,it has been a while since Lincoln andI spent some timetogether. Lori: Not really. How do you THINK Im feeling?! "She likes me, mom, but she doesn't like me that way" explained Luna. ", Rita: "Alright Lincoln, let'streatyour bruises. I'll get over it in a few days, I am not upset. Besides, it's not like I'm any better. ", Bobby: "Hmm. informed Lincoln. Take him to some fun places. Lincoln walks upstairs to his room, leaving his family in the dining room. lincolnloud japan leniloud +2 more # 11 One-Punch Linc (One Punch Man x Lo. She had her head down to the floor, never once looking up to acknowledge them. She didn't want to start any scene, but what should she do now? Everyone looked at her strangely. If it wasn't for her, I probably would've been hurt worse, I probably would've had a few broken bones as well.". Carlota is still having me try on new clothes, but no problems here. "I don't know why but I think nothing can destroy this joyful mood of mine," Lincoln said. Lori: "Whew! She had feared that this would happen, but she was more than willing to let go of her skepticism if everything paid off. Lincoln: "I'm fine, mom. RITA: It all started over 11 years ago at an orphanage. Lincoln: Hi, Mr. McBrides. (They walk in a room full of boy babies, Rita walks and see every baby boy there is). Luna could feel the awkwardness of the situation. However, when she first began to talk about her, her siblings were under the assumption that she was referring to a boy. Bobby: "Wow. The love letter gently floats to the ground, thus confirming that this girl was Sam. Lincoln: "Today has been really great so far. She desperately wanted to believe it. He really misses Ronnie Anne that much? Even if your hair is white. A stupid DRESS means more to you than another human being does?! He was daydreaming about the girl he is in love with. For her mother's sake, though, she'll meditate on those words. Are you sure you don't want a girl? Leni: Ill tell you what my issue is; MY OLDER SISTER IS A TOTAL MONSTER! LORI: We are literally too your family, Lincoln. *slams bedroom door behind her*. Lincoln - the very same Lincoln Loud who was strong-willed and intelligent - was crying. (Lori and Lincoln hug each other strongly, she kissed in his forehead), LUAN: Uh huh. Right now, Lynn is talking about soccer pactice. Lincoln: "Yeah. AndI get how youre feeling and upset. From the way she saw it, her daughter had been crying frequently to the point her mascara began to fall from around her eyes like big, ugly clumps. What should I do? Lori: Well, yes, but he had ruined my new dress that I literally saved for a third of a year to buy! "Dudes, what happened?" LORI: Whoa, I've literally never seen Lincoln this sad before, girls. Luna gives Sam a weak thumbs up, and Sam heads back into her house, leaving her alone. And it looks like he needs it now more than ever. *nosebleeds on the plate*. Clyde: No it wont. She crawled throughout the house, finding Lincoln on the couch. Sure, their crushes may not feel the same way about them, but at the very least, it was worth trying. "Boy, Luna is totes freaking out about this," says Leni observantly. My fifty-fourth fanfiction. Here is my 7th Fanfic of The Loud House, enjoy reading this. I was mortified. *sighs* This is the fourth time in two weeks hes bled all over something I was planning on eating, or wearing, or doing. I swept the ball away from her and kicked it right into the goal!". Rita rushes to Lincoln an kneels down to him. Clyde: You're a great friend, Lincoln. Sorry for worrying you guys. Lori: "Wow, Lincoln. FB5430. ", Lincoln slightly open his eyes to see it's Leni, who on her knees and was shaking him to wake him up), (Lincoln finally wakes up, relieving Leni, she hugs him). Next morning was a Saturday morning. "That's literally reality Lincoln," Lori said. Let's put some sunscreen on. You have nothing to worry about. He didn't smell bad at dinner. LENI: Good luck, Luna. Rita: You're grounded until you apologize to Clyde for being so cruel to him and slapping him! Where are you going in such a good mood? I dont care if youre going through changes. "Oh, I had forgotten; yesterday, I received a love letter from my locker. Sam waved her blonde hair back and forth in a rapid matter; beams of sweat slid down her forehead. Lincoln: I know you do, buddy. ", Luna looked up at her in curiosity. As she made her way to the door, she could hear her siblings buzzing about in regard to their crushes. "No matter what happens, you'll always be our brother" says Luna comfortingly. Clyde: *offscreen* Its OK, Dad, she can come in. ", Luna shook her head. The Loud House: Lincoln Homecoming (English) Chapter 1: Coming Home, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction The road was a great stillness. We haven't done this in a long time.". "T-thank you" said Lincoln, new tears spilling from his eyes. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lori: "Besides, it wasn't a complete waste of time. I've been the oddball of the whole family. Sam raises her eyebrow in confusion. *starts panicking* Oh my gosh, our son has his first girlfriend. "If there's any spare teeth lying around, they're mine," says Lola before losing consciousness. Nothing reallyworth talking about. The staff members look atthe teensand they grab them. Now the two are going to have Lunch. She heard nine other gasps behind her, and braced herself for the incoming storm that was the other sisters wanting to chip in and help. After all, I talk on my phone a lot, especially when it's Bobby, and I also have a job now. I didn't realize how much I liked hanging out with Ronnie Anne. (Lincoln got off the bed and hurried up for school. Now, any parent would respect their child's privacy, but as a mother, Rita grew even more concerned. Ronnie Anne and I haveseven years. She had her own room at this time. yelled Lola. Rita smiled. With much consideration, Luna solemnly walks over to the door, and opens it for her mother. (excited) I love it! Lincoln was sitting down at lunch, trying to eat his food. Lincoln Albert Loud. Luna rubs the sleepiness from her eyes, and looks closely at the number projected on her screen. You ever heard of knocking? Please be gentle with me, this is my first Loud House fanfic. *goes back into kitchen, dumps bloody vegetables into garbage can* Ugh, dang Clyde. I apologize for making Lori sound like a complete jerk; my story needed a bad guy and she unfortunately was the one. I'm here for you. I'm scared to sleep alone. Clyde: Yeah. Why can that little twerp find another girl to obsess over?! Lynn: "What do you think is wrong with him? ", Lincoln: "Yeah. The next morning, Lincoln woke up still happy from last night. Lincoln: Only you are younger than five of your sisters, you never even know what it's like to have siblings other than Rusty. "Bossy teenagers, a non-practical entertainer, a pageant princess brat, a sporty fanatic." The older twin could go on. Howard: Thank YOU, Lincoln, for being such a good friend to our poor little baby. It's allover. Justdon't ever think you need to deal with things like this alone. I guess Clyde was right. Torn pictures of Lori are littering the floor.*. Luna tightened her grip around her pillow. The two hug for a minute, and they look at each other. Lincoln: "No fair, Lori! (sniffs) Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. LUAN: Yeah, this is a real disaster. (Lincoln crawls onto Luna's hands as she picks him up), (She kisses him on his forehead and pinches his cheeks). "Though I had a nightmare where you told me the host of Arggh retired.". LORI: Agreed, little bro. The two teenagers are having fun too, and told the siblings that they make a great team. (out loud) "Okay. asked Lori. Rita: OK, sweetie, that sounds great. Mike looks at Lincoln with a devious smile. He just hugged Lisa tightly, thanking the stars for an understanding sister like her. Lori puts her hands on Lincoln's shoulders and looks at him with pleading eyes. Clyde: Umthanks. "I'll calm Lincoln down," said Lisa in an authoritative voice. The two locked eyes with each other. The sisters look at Lincoln and notice the bruises on him. Lincoln looks around. "N-no! Luna fell silent again. LINCOLN: (disbelieving) Yeah, like that's true, Luna. "That's worse than Lucy's idea!" "See don't dwell on the fact of him retiring, embrace on the good times," Lori said. Lori gets in her bed with Lincoln following along. The twenty-four-year-old man was travelling in a taxi, rediscovering with a neighborhood that had not seen since five years ago, and adding that passed training in the army. ", Lori: "It's okay. "Oh my god, it's Sam! Lincoln begins to walk out the dining room. Luna was so delighted at what she had done; she was convinced that nothing could rob her of her good mood. YOUNGER RITA: I dunno. Used tissues were scattered throughout her bed. Lincoln: (talking to himself) "What is wrong with you, Lincoln? *leaves the room, slamming the door behind her*, Lori: *frowns, a little less angered this time*, *At the McBrides house, Lincoln knocks on the door. Lori kisses his forehead and they fall asleep. Lincoln falls asleep, but Lori is still awake and looks at him. Youre like a steamed vegetable, only smarter! Lori: *frowns points at Lincoln* Well, Lincoln called me a jerk! Just hearing those painful words circulating in her mind troubled her heart. Now the noise from earlier was the cause of what is known as a "Sister Fight Protocol." ", Lynn: (livid) "Where are they?! LUNA: Calm down, dudettes. "Well, I confessed my feelings to him, but he already had a girlfriend.". Luna places her hand over her heart which pulsated in anguish. Harold: Come in, Lincoln. Lincoln sighs in defeat. "Life is hard living with a big family." The younger one said. Clyde: *notices this, sighs* Im sorry, Link. Luna broke her hug with Lori, and she began to run up the stairs. Lori stood up, and walked over to the despondent girl, placing her hand on her shoulder. And you are a real Loud sibling. As the day went on as they tried to get their crushes to notice them, another letter arrived in the mail, this time singling out the sisters who had brown hair. (Luna leaves Lori's room and goes to Lincoln's, she knocked on his door; In his room, he's depressed and/or miserable at this revelation), (Luna came into Lincoln's room and sat next to him). *leads her inside*. Maybe you should take him out for a day. ", Lincoln: "Why did we even go there in the first place? by Lance1889 22K 490 21 LUCY: You ungrateful twerp. She turns the water on fully expecting hot water to erupt from the shower drain. It was awesome. She is talking to Bobby through her laptop. A 4-year-old Lincoln enters the room with a sad look on his face. Lincoln look down realizing that he was standing in front of Lori in a pair of his white boxers with red hearts. First published Oct 08, 2019 Mature Save the date AU After Lincoln returns home, he comes face to face with an outraged Lori Loud who is heartbroken after Bobby breaks up with her. I guess it wouldn't hurt if we hung out today. I'm putting sunscreen on you.". 4. ", Lori: "Last night, I heard himtalk to himself. Rita: OK, sweetie, that sounds great. It is revealed that one of her ancestors, Aggie, drove the Louds' ancestors away from their kingdom in order to achieve peace and quiet, and her ancestors have kept it that way . It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter. First one is Second Loud Brother. I must be over my crush. Lori: No; Im trying to fix it into a gift for Clyde, to apologize for what I did to him. I swear, when I find those punks, I'll, I'll-", Lincoln: "Lynn! Tell, Lincoln I said 'hi'.". Please please leave me alone", This will be a bit harder than I thought, "L-Lisa" sobbed Lincoln. I wasn't even any help. Lynn Sr.: "What's all the commotion about?". You don't want my back to get burned, do you? Leni comes in and sees this.*. Mike punches Lincoln all over hisupper bodyanda couple times in his face. LUNA: Don't worry about it. Lynn Jr.: Oh really, Miss Im-in-Love-with-Coach-Pakowski? And Lily, too. "She's in love, dear sister. lincoln had quickly ran to the basement, sweat and tears streamed down from his face as he had ran down the stairs 2 at a time until he had made it onto the basement floor as his heart was slamming against his ribs but that didn't stop him from quickly hiding under the staircase, holding his breath despite feeling like he was about to pass out Lincoln: "Oh check it out. Lynn Jr.: I wanted to check on you, Clydesdale. ", Lori: "Go ahead. (Leni then walk into Lincoln's room and sat next to him and Luna). ", Lincoln: "Well, I don't want to eat here. I'd wonder if we're not even family, Luna. If you want, I can take a break from homework to help you make some new snacks. Lynn Sr.: Lincoln told us that you yelled at Clyde and then slapped him. Now all she hoped was that Lincoln would reconcile with Clyde. Lori: Uh, HELLO? ", Lori: Well, can you at least put some on my back? ", Lincoln: "Looks like this is a good time for me to use the bathroom. Lincoln turnsaround while crossing his arms, leaving his back facing Lori. ", Young Lincoln: "I'm sorry for waking you, but can Isleep with you? Loud House + Helluva Boss Crossover. Lori: "I know how you feel. He notices that no one else is in there. Alright, I'll do it. *projectile nosebleeds onto her dress*. ", Later that night, we see Lincoln, who has a couple bandages on his face and is wearing his pajamas, in his room getting ready for bed. "I'm sorry, guys.". He didn't like it, but making his sister happy was all that matered to him. YOUNGER LENI: Lincoln Loud? We had a lot of fun. That goes for me as well, you are a real Loud sibling as well, baby bro. Lincoln shouted loud enough for the people in the cinema to hear, including Lori. *Later, at the McBrides house, Clyde is watching TV with his dads, feeling a little better. "Yes, of course, Leni, that idea was pretty dumb" added Lynn. ", Lincoln: "I will. ", Lori: (surprised) "Really? I won't force you.". (She hugs Lincoln tightly and kiss Lincoln's cheek). Lincoln and Luna were about to pull their siblings off each other, when an idea struck Lincoln. ", Lori: "Well, I guess it's because of how focused on myself I can be at times. I haven't thought of that. Lori looks at Lincoln who is down on his hands and knees. When you came over yesterday to help me feel better, I realized how nice you really are. ", Lincoln: "Why are you surprised? You want to watch that? WORKER: That's the last of the boy babies. But shockingly, that doesnt make me feel better. It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter. "That's actually a pretty good idea. We're your family. *sighs* Not too long ago, I had a crush on another baseball player named Francisco. Lincoln looks up at Lori, who has a worried look on her face. She turns the water of, and races to her room to get her duds. Clyde is lucky he has a best friend like you to check on him. Those painful words darted throughout Luna's mind in rampant succession. Is that true? Lori: "Lincoln. RITA: We have to tell him, honey. "But, sis, I just thought we had a special connection.". Howard: *sniffs* Youre right, Im sorry. I was really harsh towards you when I dragged you along. Not even her former attraction towards Hugh Lincoln's tutor could set her heart ablaze with such raw passion. (Luna kissed Lincoln on his forehead and wipe the tears off his face with a tissue). The rest of the Loud kids were in the living room, watching television. "Can Bun Bun come as well," Lincoln asked. The two began to brawl. Lincoln is moved back into the house, all his things are back where they belong, and most of the family have made peace with him; however, Lynn Jr. still makes him wear the squirrel suit to her games to bring her luck. Just then, Lori comes in, carrying a plate of crudit.*. What should I do?". It's not my fault you guys decided to wager money!". The water slowly slithered down Luna's back, chilling her spine simultaneously. I wish we could've hung out a little more. The same place he and Lori first went on their double-date with Bobby and Ronnie Anne. Just then, a few staff member appear. A few minutes later we see the familysitting in the dining room eating meatloaf. LISA: Affirmative, big brother. Once inside, Luna quietly closes the door behind her, dragging her feet whilst doing so. I cant believe you! 3. Lincoln: (Struggling to break loose) Ah Lynn, please I gotta get to- Lynn: (Makes a buzzer noise) I don't want to hear it, Stinkoln! LANA: You got to be kidding me?! Is it OK if I talk to Clyde? Rita: That does not make it OK to get physically aggressive with someone! Lincoln and Luan hugged each other and continued walking home. LINCOLN: (enamored) Wow, that was beautiful and sweet of you guys. Lincoln cries on his sister's shoulder while Lori kept holding him, gently stroking his hair. Lori takes Lincoln to Vanzilla and drives home. I was wondering if you would like to sleepin my room for tonight. Lincoln: "Then Lana tripped and accidentally dropped her bucket of worms on Lola! He hugs Lori, who in turn hugs him back. Worse yet, what if she assumes that it was written by someone else. Why wasn't this meant to be?". Tears streak from Luna's face as she gathers her bass guitar, and walks out of Sam's garage. Loud." He goes inside the restroom. ", Luna defiantly shakes her head. Lynn Jr.: *has been in the kitchen blending a protein shake, overhears her complaining* The Clydesdale got another of his nosebleeds on your snack, huh? The two go inside. Even though she was slightly cramped in between, Luna laughs alongside her siblings. *sits on the bed next to him* I knew Lori could be mean sometimes, but shes never gotten like THAT before! After everything they had been through, it would seem only logical that they would get together. Earlier that day, Luna was so anxious about her band practice that day. Lori laughs. I know him well. *hugs her, notices something* Hey, Im not nosebleeding all over you. You should already know the rules! LENI: You little runt! The two hug each other for a few seconds. What happened? LENI: Don't let that go into your mind. Give Clyde and the McBrides our regards. Lori drives Lincoln to a very familiar restaurant; Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet. LINCOLN: Well, at least I know that I am beloved by my sweet family. From the other side of the door, Luna could be heard visibly crying. "What is it? *Lincoln opens the door. What happened downstairs? shouts Luna. They won't hurt you anymore. I have to get back to doing the chores, but talk to me when you're feeling upset again.". I'm sorry, but I'm not really in the mood to talk. ", Lincoln grinned. (sniffs), (Lincoln then shed tears on his face and he cries once again as he's crying into his hands. SISTERS: AND THAT'S WHATS MAKES YOU OUR BROTHER! Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. Howard: Its not your fault, Lincoln. Did something happen between her and her band mates? Luna shuts the door behind her when she was immediately bombarded by a family hug from her siblings. Lori looks at her sleeping brother with a smile and kisses his forehead, just like she did on that night 7 years ago. Where would we be without you? "Lola, every time you do it, you'll just make him do a tea party can't you do anything else? We always spend time with you. "I don't understand; why does it have to be this way? On fully expecting hot water to erupt from the shower drain and sat next to and... This was n't this meant to be kidding me? '' says Lola before losing consciousness was immediately bombarded a. His house first began to talk about her band mates babies, rita: OK, Dad, can. 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