The following information is provided for citations. Most businessmen in Houston and Okolona signed up for the National Recovery Act agreeing to pay a minimum wage, set specific business hours, etc. Wall Plantations - Wall CHICKASAW Formed in 1836 from Chickasaw Cession of 1830 CHOCTAW Formed in 1833 from Choctaw Cession CLAIBORNE Formed in 1802 from There were some questions as to whether this would help the situation, but the merchants were eager to get on the band wagon. However, this last raid of the war in Chickasaw Co resulted in the loss of a large quantity of supplies. Census data for 1860 was obtained from the Historical United States Census Data Approximately 3,000 blacks, with an equal number of horses, were with General Smith when he invaded the county in Feb 1864. This was a high standard school and combined academics with industrial training and was the alma mater of most of the black leaders of the area. Before this time, most of the children attended private schools located in the county communities. This invasion was a part of the campaign against Vicksburg. This expedition originated on the Atlantic coast of FL and moved across the southeastern part of what is now the United States and crossed the Tomspanbee River near present day Aberdeen. The Birney Road ran from Buena Vista to Pontotoc and Cotton Gin Port in Monroe Co to Okolona were developed from old Indian Trails. Gholson's troops were captured almost to a man. Communities of the county often raised their own units, such as the Buena Vista Rifles and the Spartan Band, and these small units were assigned as needed throughout the Confederate Army to become part of larger forces such as the Army of the TN and the Army of TERMINOLOGY. In 1904, the spur was completed linking Houston with the M & O Railroad which had been rebuilt. In addition to the government assistance, private charity work was being done. raised and was a primary source of meat. Prior to the Civil War, the county also had two Christian churches, two Episcopal churches, and three Union churches. Although this amendment was not ratified and become law until Aug 26, 1920; one of the first instances of women voting took place in Houlka, Chickasaw Co. A county welfare program These re-drawn boundaries are those of present day Chickasaw Co. The citizens of Chickasaw Co waited eagerly for news of the invasion of the European continent. But, as has been the case throughout the history of the world, these people of a conquered land set about putting their lives back together. However, a small but significant Latino/Hispanic minority had emerged. 1,000 acres or more, the largest size category enumerated in the census, and another 1,868 farms of 500-999 acres. However, they encountered Confederate troops at Palo alto and the Union forces were turned north toward Okolona. Martin later built another church about three miles of Houston., Written by Mississippi Encyclopedia Staff. At the head of navigation on the Chuquantonchee Creek, it was an important port for the shipping of agricultural products to the port of Mobile. Most families in the county had suffered losses of loved ones and material goods during the war and Reconstruction. D'Artagnette and his group arrived at the proposed meeting place and decided not to wait for Bienville and his men. The death toll for Chickasaw Co during Land for Sale. and Counties, return to Home and Links Page. time. Discover 595 listings of Mississippi land for sale over 20 acres. One of the projects constructed by the young 38801 Homes for Sale $165,701; 38863 Homes for Sale $159,248; 39773 Homes for Sale $133,682; 39730 Homes for Sale $115,291; 38851 Homes Cattle, mostly a tough breed known as Opelousas, were unsuitable for been and were used primarily Several wells were drilled in the northwestern part of the county, but were later capped or abandoned. Page 18 of 32. Owl Creek mounds to the north of Davis Lake in the Natchez Trace Game area are examples of this type of mound. In 1915, the United States Congress passed the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote. In the "first call" from Chickasaw Co there were two hundred and ninety-four and many young men did not wait to be drafted. These stores sold medicines; but also carried a wide variety of alcoholic beverages. In Apr 1933 enrollment of young men between the ages of 18 and 25 in a "Civilian Conservation Corps", later known as CCC, was announced. raised and was a primary source of meat. This struggle was peaceful, but not pretty. There are 80,000 acres of farm land in Chickasaw County, growing soybeans, corn, cotton, sweet potatoes, forage crops and truck patches. No family history research. Browser, which is a very detailed, searchable and highly recommended database that can found at In 1840 Chickasaw was home to 2,148 free whites, 1 free African American, and 806 slaves. because published indexes almost always do not include the slave census. With the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the weakness of his successor, Andrew Johnson; tragic consequences existed for the Southerners. On Jan 5, 1861, MS became the second state to secede from the Union and the stars and bars became the fifth flag to fly over Chickasaw Co. A new and tragic chapter in the history of Chickasaw Co began. To conserve electricity, "brown-outs" were a regular practice. increase in colored population of almost double between 1860 and 1870, growing to over 50,000, so likely that is where LandWatch has hundreds of rural properties and land for sale in Chickasaw County. These counties are: Pontotoc, Lee, Montgomery, Clay, Webster, and Calhoun. Before Residents of Chickasaw Co watched very closely as the war in Europe began in 1914 and escalated. Chickasaw County is located in the northeast area of the state. To avoid exposure, Klan leaders from Okolona would conduct their business in West Chickasaw Co and their Houston neighbors would cross the creek when called upon to return the favor in the eastern section of the county. These programs were designed to raise the price of cotton and other farm products by lowering the amount of production. The hospital was located on the second floor of a brick store building located on the northwest corner of Jackson and Madison. Okolona soon became an important sense of the extent of slavery in the ancestral County, particularly for those who have never viewed a slave census. A number of people worked at the Gulf Ordnance Plant located at Prairie in Monroe Co. African American ancestor with one of these surnames is found on the 1870 census, then making the link to finding that Before 1830, most white men coming into this area were explorers, adventurers, and traders. At the turn of the century, more than half of white farmers owned the land they worked, while only 12 percent of Chickasaws black farmers claimed ownership. In Chickasaw Co, patriotism Each former Confederate state was also required to ratify the 14th Amendment of the Constitution which stated that an individual might not be denied the vote because of race, creed, color or previous condition of servitude. With most of the county's able bodied men gone in the war, the day to day responsibilities fell to the old men, women, children and slaves. Only five years passed between the end of World War II and the beginning of the Korean Conflict. The officials of Chickasaw Co attempted to levy funds for the relief of wives and widows and the children of the soldiers. The location of the plant was ideal to attract personnel from Okolona, Houston and other smaller communities in Chickasaw Co as well as Aberdeen, West Point and other nearby Battle founded Okolona College, a black institution in 1902. to below nine cents a pound. Though the countys citizens were originally divided in their loyalties, Chickasaw Countys political representatives eventually formed a solid base in favor of secession, and many of the countys natives served in the Civil War. President Johnson appointed William Sharkey, a former supreme court justice, as governor of MS. Sharkey was well respected in the state and his appointment was well received by the citizens of Chickasaw Co. Gov. Houston : Chickasaw County : MS Sartain's Heritage Properties Located eight tenths of a mile north of Highway 8 on paved County Road 424, this 74.44 acres offers 30 acres of As a result of these defeats, eight hundred French soldiers, five hundred of them led by D'Artagnette from a post in IL and three hundred under the leadership of Bienville, moved up the Tomspanbee River from the coast. In 1862, Tucker was commissioned colonel and was named Brigadier General in 1864. Learn more. On Feb 9, 1986 Chickasaw Co celebrated her 159th anniversary. These schools offered a wide variety of subjects including the sciences, philosophy, Greek and Latin. Since the turn of the century, Chickasaw Co farmers had increasingly turned away from cotton as a single money making crop and had been more diversified in their operations. Because of the massive mobilization of manpower, there was hardly a home in Chickasaw Co that did not have some family member serving in the military. The Chickasaw Indians became known as one of the Five Civilized Tribes. Soon the stage coaches replaced the horse and rider as the carrier of the Easily find plantation land for sale in Calhoun County County Mississippi at Estimates of Chickasaw County was home to notable religious musicians, including shape-note singer W. A. Beasley and the Pilgrim Jubilees gospel group. Stay up to date with Chickasaw Country. Others soon joined them. This information may be used by libraries, genealogical societies, and other researchers. SURNAME MATCHES AMONG AFRICAN AMERICANS ON 1870 CENSUS: (exact surname spellings only are reported, no spelling variations or soundex), (SURNAME, # in US, in State, in County, born in State, born and living in State, born in State and living in County). If an item could not be produced on the farm, it simply was not had. Temperance societies were formed throughout the county and lecturers were brought in to lecture on the evils of strong drink. The state legislature passed a law authorizing an agricultural high school in each county in 1908. After the treaty was signed in Paris at the close of the French and Indian War, the land of the Chickasaws was passed from the French to the British. It is estimated by this transcriber that in 1860, slaveholders of 200 or more slaves, while constituting less than 1 Land for Sale Near Me; 2 stand ages of pine plantations adjoining the National Forest close enough to Davis Lake to ride an ATV from the campground to hunt. The county has many acres of timber land, consisting mainly of pine trees, a large dairy, beef farms, hog farms and poultry houses. Needy people were able to work were given "construction jobs" and others received direct relief. Some of these former slaves may have been using the surname of their 1860 The county is named for the Chickasaw people, who lived in this area for hundreds of years. White land owners also successfully applied economic pressure by refusing to employ blacks who voted, or who voted Republican. Local Indians were friendly. ancestor as a slave requires advanced research techniques involving all obtainable records of the holder. College". He was seriously wounded twice, but lived through the war and returned to serve his native state in the Legislature. Within two years, an agent was sent to the county. Dr. V. B. Philot was the surgeon in charge. General Sooey Smith was ordered to move from LaGrange, TN and rendezvous with his commander General Sherman for an attack on the Confederate arsenal at Selma, AL. The Plantation at Coal Creek, Tuttle. In the 1940s, dairying grew in importance. Chickasaw Co. Using plantation names to locate ancestors can be difficult because the name of a plantation may have been changed through the years and because the sizeable number of large farms Very few people Egypt was located on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, south of Okolona, but was an important trade center in the 1850s. In 1870, a brick building to house this school was built. 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PLANTATION NAMES. rule. A number of agricultural programs were created at the national level. After declaring allegiance to the Union, the group went on to support secession in the event that agitation against slavery continued and if the federal government denied the right of citizens south of the Mason-Dixon line to hold slaves. That year corn sold as low as 15 cents a bushel. the County and the first census page on which they were listed. A cultural revolution was taking place across the entire nation. microfilm for the details listed regarding the sex, age and color of the slaves. The elevation is 354 feet. the source or at the time of the source, with African American being used otherwise. Please do not use GIF. Cotton was the main crop; but corn was grown as food for both man and beast. was edited by D. C. Greenwood. Because of the poor quality and short terms of the public schools; most of the youth who had a desire to attend a college or university found it almost a necessity to attend a private school or academy. Probably no period in the county's history produced more changes than the 1960s and 1970s. quickly reached a high pitch. locally owned hospital until 1980 when it was sold to Brookwood Hospital Management Corporation of Birmingham. During these years, before federal grants and government assistance, the people had rebuilt their county. However, their efforts failed and resulted Palmyra Plantation: Quitman, Turner Poplar Grove Propinquity Plantation Providence Plantation: Veazie River Place (near Ellis Cliffs): Wolcot River Place (near Natchez Island): This building, still in use today, was opened for county business in Jan 1909. Homes, farms and businesses that had been destroyed or damaged had been rebuilt or renovated. without a stamped number. The Great Depression had been building since the crash of the stock market in 1929 and now deepened. Slaves 100 years of age or older were supposed to be named on the 1860 slave schedule, but there were only 1,570 slaves of The law creating Chickasaw Co was passed by the MS legislature on Feb 9, 1836. Easily find land for sale in Mississippi at Following the holder list is a separate list of the surnames of the holders with information on The first Board of Police consisted of Littlebury Gilliam, Thomas Gates, Thomas D. Wooldridge, Benjamin Bugg and Asa H. Braddock who were selected in an election held Apr 23, 1836. His forces were also defeated, though they were superior in arms and numbers to the Chickasaw braves. Turnpikes and Houston also had several drug stores. Discover Calhoun County County Mississippi plantation land for sale. The Viet Nam War split the nation, but the people of Chickasaw Co again sent sons, husbands and brothers to that far corner of the world. The county's first church was a Baptist church built in 1835 in the southwestern part of the county by the can be viewed to see if there were smaller slaveholders with that surname. Other county banks managed to hold firm. His army was defeated and D'Artagnette was burned at the stake. Jackson County Genealogical Society, c/o Else J. Martin, 6301 Country Lane, Pascagoula, MS 39581. The French viewed the Chickasaw Indians as a "troublesome" people and were determined to wipe them out. Chickasaw County is located in the northeast area of the state. necessities. In 1888, the MS Normal College was established and soon became one of the leading institutions in the area. for consideration by those seeking to make connections between slaveholders and former slaves. Due to variable film quality, The local churches planned a community wide prayer service which was to commence when word was received that the troops had hit the beaches. There were several partially successful attempts throughout the war to destroy the M & O Railroad in Chickasaw Co. pages 385B and 388, who were shown in Division 2. If interested in purchasing one of these volumes, contact the Chickasaw Co Historical and Genealogical Society, P. O. The term "County" is used to describe held by a total of 646 slaveholders, and those slaveholders have not been included here. In 1894, the enrollment was 451 and five different states and forty MS counties were represented in the student body. Plantation names were not shown on the census. According to local tradition, he camped near the present day was established to aid the unemployed and indigent, regardless of race, creed or color. 7%. In time, the Hopewells disappeared from the area and were in all probability absorbed by the later groups of people who moved into the area. Beinville was defeated at the Battle of Akia, fought on the site of present day secession. In 1910, a small insect from Mexico appeared for the first time in Chickasaw Co and this small insect, the boll weevil would force diversification. The troops seized and burned the books on the spot. In 1853, the Democrats split in earnest at their state convention. Located in north-central Mississippi, Chickasaw County possesses a notable number of creeks and lakes and is traversed by both the Yalobusha and Tombigbee Rivers. soldiers burned the depot and Rose Gate College, which was being used by the Confederate government as a military hospital. was Henry R. Carter. About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material can be viewed to find out whether the ancestor was a holder of a fewer number of slaves or not a slaveholder at all. In June 1950, the United States was once again sending its young men to war. "The Chickasaw Republican" Denominations represented in Okolona during this period were Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Cumberland Presbyterian and Roman Catholic. Eventually the section from Gibson to Hwy 45 at Aberdeen was paved. The automobile was replacing the horse and buggy and a new invention, the radio, was bringing the world into homes throughout the county. In addition, the freed blacks usually possessed nothing of material value. force, Smith retreated toward Okolona where he made a stand. GA, or from the westerns states of TN and KY. This procession was led by the "bone barriers" who carried the remains of their ancestors so that they could be buried in their new homeland. A very large percentage of the white population were slave Pontotoc soon afterward. for land intensified. Other early towns in the county have declined in importance, but in the early days of the county, they filled a significance place. slaveholder. General Chalmers stopped Smith at the Houlka bottom north of Houston such age enumerated, out of a total of 3,950,546 slaves, and the transcriber did not find any such information on the In addition to several attempts by federal troops to destroy the stretch of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad running through the county, a number of battles and raids took place in Chickasaw. The old Methodist Church bell Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. Before the war ended, there were forty-seven gold stars in Chickasaw Co homes. Their immediate duties were to hold an election to select other county officer and select a site for the county seat. In 1888, the Okolona City Council and a citizens' group began work on a high standard male and female college. Although it was not as active in Chickasaw Co as in other sections, the Klu Klux Klan was organized and in operation during the Reconstruction period. 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Renaissance Tower Florence, Al,