The heart has four chambers - two atria and two ventricles. The human heart weighs less than 1 pound. The heart is the organ, or body part, that pumps blood through the body. (plural of atrium) are where the blood collects when it enters the heart. After the heart contracts and pushes in, the muscle relaxes or stops pushing in. From there, it passes through the Bundle of His (BH) and the Tawara Branches to the ventricles. From there, it gets pumped into the pulmonary arteries, which take the blood to the lungs to get oxygenated. This forces doctors and patients alike to maintain constant monitoring to minimize the risk of both rejection and infection. We have by far known that the hearts function is to keep the cells in the body energized by supplying them with oxygenated blood. 72. These get blood that comes to the heart. The resting heart rate in adults is between 70 72 beats per minutes. Our heart does not rest at all. The serous membrane also produces pericardial fluid, which works as a lubricant for the heart. Whales have the largest heart of any mammal. When the electromagnetic field of the heart was measured on an electrocardiogram (ECG), it was found that it was about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain waves recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEC). When this happens one time, it is called a cardiac cycle. The bicuspid valve is located between the left atrium and left ventricle and likewise opens due to a build-up of pressure, this time in the left atrium. The heart pumps blood through our circulatory system so that our cells can receive food and oxygen, and have carbon dioxide and waste removed. . 22. They dont usually suffer from the condition, but some become more vulnerable to cardiovascular, pulmonary, and intestinal disorders. 74. This is what makes ventricle contraction take place and makes ventricular systole. Blood going away from the heart is carried in arteries. The BBC Micro:The BBC transformed the nations computer literacy at a stroke in 1982 when it launched the BBC Micro, powering an IT revolution in schools and homes. It has transformed our viewing habits with 6.6 billion streams of programmes on iPlayer in 2021/22. separates the right-hand and left-hand side of the heart. These are arteries and veins. doc, 39 KB. The semilunar valves stop the back flow of blood into the heart. She had a heart defect that many babies dont survive. 1st TV: The BBC launched the worlds first ever high-definition regular TV service in 1936, and made its transmitter mast at Alexandra Palace another world-recognised BBC symbol. A major example of a congenital heart defect includes hypoplastic left heart syndrome, where the left side of the heart suffers from various states of poor development. (2010). Laughing is good for your heart. 61. A heart beat is when the heart muscle contracts. Development on internal pacemakers began the following year, and entered medical service in the 1960s. This particularly proves the case with arrhythmia, with the body simply adapting to minor irregularities in the heartbeat. 42. On average did you know your heart beats 100,000 times every day! Falklands War: Brian Hanrahans memorable 1982 quote I counted them all out and I counted the back was couched to get round the BBCs reporting restrictions during the conflict, as he was not able to quote the exact number of jets involved in the Port Stanley raid. These affect the hearts valves in various ways. DOI: Magovern C. (2012). Testcard F:This was used to help engineers tune televisions, especially important on the advent of colour in 1967, but it became memorable for generations of viewers because of the girl (Carole Hersee, daughter of BBC engineer George Hersee) with her clown doll and blackboard. See what happens as we go through the. TV Spoof: Known for its investigative prowess, Panorama also scored the most famous TV spoof in history when it screened the April fool spaghetti growing on trees story, fronted with due gravitas by Richard Dimbleby in 1957. 37. 69. Normally, we associate the term dying from a broken heart, with common cliches in television or radio soap operas. Pygmy shrew: Americas smallest mammal and its hungriest. Want to have a healthy heart? 1st transmission: It hit the airwaves on 14 November 1922, launched with its soon-to-be famous call sign 2LO Calling. An ECG is done by putting electrodes on a person's skin. A heart has 4 internal chambers, 2 aortas on top, and 2 ventricles below. check out the BBC 100 Objects collection here. Pacemaker cells actually have similarities to nerve cells, given their purpose. 40. Her surgery was successful, but shell eventually need a, The earliest known case of heart disease was. Then the ECG shows ventricular diastole. Exercise causes temporary increases in heartbeat, while also lowering the resting heartbeat. Doctors collectively call these diseases valvular heart disease. Blood low in oxygen enters the heart through two veins, the superior and inferior venae cavae. Instead, dense, fibrous tissues make up the hearts skeleton, giving the organ its distinct shape. Myocardium means the heart muscle: 'myo' is from the Greek word for muscle - 'mys', cardium is from the Greek word for heart - 'kardia'. Learn more about this vital organ with our comprehensive collection of 50 facts about the heart. 1st black radio producer: Una Marson joined the BBC in 1941, and went on to launch the famous Caribbean Voices radio series. However, it is also famous for not reporting the news. Conduction means heat or electricity traveling through something. 1st TV weather:This launched in 1949, using on screen maps, then gained its first on air presenter George Cowling in 1954. The 25-year-old was forced to retire from football in October because of a hereditary heart . 63. 18. For example, if the stroke volume at rest is 70 ml and the heart rate is 70 bpm, then the cardiac output is 70 70 ml per minute = 4900 ml/min or 4.9 l/min. Embryos and fetuses start out with a heartbeat similar to their mothers, before accelerating up to 185 beats per minute around the seventh week of pregnancy. Its made up of the atria, ventricles, valves, and various arteries and veins. It is located in the middle of the chest and slightly towards the left. Atherosclerosis refers to the build-up of fatty deposits called plaques inside a persons arteries. In particular, the rich collagen in the cardiac skeleton absorbs electricity, keeping it from going to where its not supposed to go. Heart Structure. 55. The worlds weirdest hearts for Valentines Day. Listen to a heart beating and discover how it pumps blood to the lungs and the rest of the body in a double circulation. Then later Churchill would make his famous stirring speeches to the nation via the BBC. [5] These bring blood from the body to the right heart. It is an essential part of the entire system, which when becomes dysfunctional can lead to death. 30. 40. 30. It is the main organ of the cardiovascular system. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. When the heart muscle relaxes (stops pushing in), this is called diastole. The heart lies at the center of the blood delivery system. Insects and mollusks also lack proper hearts, instead having a separate muscle that runs the length of their bodies. This results in low blood pressure, and which may become fatal. Online:BBC launched its first website in 1997, starting a revolution in broadcasting, and the BBC Charter was re-written for the first time to go beyond standard Radio and Television media. With the help of specialized fibers, electrical impulses are conducted from the Sinoatrial node to the rest of the heart. Regular exercising is beneficial for your hearts health. Once the bundle (meaning a group of strings or wires going in parallel directions) goes through the ventricle muscle, it divides into two bundle branches, the left bundle branch and the right bundle branch. 23. 88. Blood pressure is measured in millimetres of mercury, mmhg.there are two measurements: With the help of hacker t. 35. The function of vagus nerves (also called X cranial nerve or 10th cranial nerve, longest and most complex of the cranial nerves) is to decrease the heart rate while that of the sympathetic trunk is to increase the heart rate. Cardiac muscle tissue is an extremely specialized form of muscle tissue that has evolved to pump blood throughout the body. 04 Heart disease causes an estimated 30% of all deaths worldwide. Its called broken heart syndrome and can have similar symptoms as a. The cardiovascular system carries substances to and from all parts of the body in the blood . The heart's beat provides pressure so blood can deliver oxygen and important nutrients to tissue all over. The blood pressure in the heart is the greatest in the left ventricle. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. The left atrium and ventricle send the blood out to the body. For the most serious cases, doctors use surgery to widen arteries, or even bypass blocked sections entirely, the so-called heart bypass surgery. Your heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood every day. Peaky Blinders: Sales of Tommy Shelby (Cillian Murphy)s trademark newsboy cap went through the roof following the global success of the show. The most enduring global sci-fi TV show: Doctor Who began in 1963, devised to fill the gap between Grandstand and Juke Box Jury. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Complete heart block occurs when electrical impulses in the hearts upper chambers (atria) don't travel down to the lower chambers (ventricles). It's often triggered by a heart attack but can also have other causes, Treatment of third degree heart block usually involves a pacemaker to maintain a healthy rate and rhythm. Toddlers Truce: When TV was re-launched post WWII, the screens went blank for an hour after daytime programmes finished so that children could be put to bed. They then multiply it by heart rate, measured by the minute. The ECG shows atrial systole. 49. The iconic heart shape as a symbol of love is traditionally thought to come from the silphium plant, which was used as an ancient form of birth control. Doctors collectively call these diseases cardiomyopathies, which can affect the hearts muscles in various ways. Implanted right next to a heart, a pacemaker generates the proper electrical impulses needed to keep a heart beating properly. Learn more. King of Saturday Night: Noels House Party ruled the roost in 1990s, broadcast from an imagined mansion in a fictional village called Crinkly Bottom. They pump this blood to the lungs. 03 Exercise causes temporary increases in heartbeat, while also lowering the resting heartbeat. It keeps all the blood in your. 16th-century Flemish anatomist and physician Andreas Vesalius challenged the ancient Greek teachings about the heart following his own dissections in the 16th century. The electricity then passes through the atrioventricular septum between the right atrium and the left ventricle. Death from a broken heart, or broken heart syndrome, is possible but extremely rare. Furthermore, Abrahamic traditions associate the heart with the Throne of God, which later led to the veneration of the Heart of Christ. Each side of the heart consists of an atrium and a ventricle which are two connected chambers. There is a semilunar valve where the aorta leaves the left ventricle and another where the pulmonary artery leaves the right ventricle. After an hour, it will have pumped 300 litres in 4,200 heartbeats. The skeleton also doubles as a non-conductive barrier to manage the hearts electrical pulses. Probably the most aired face in BBC TV history. Climate is the average weather in a place over many years. This can result in a heart attack, and some of the heart muscle cells die. 1st TV News: Launched in 1954 without a newsreader (as the BBC thought personalities might distract), then a year later Kenneth Kendall and Richard Baker became first named newsreaders in vision. The purpose of the fluid is to lubricate the heart and prevent the friction between it and its surroundings. Blood vessels include arteries, veins, and capillaries. On average, our heart beats 70 to 72 times per minute, 100,000 times per day . 1st broadcast war: Neville Chamberlain announced this country is at war with Germany on the BBC airwaves in 1939. 25. Checking for the pulse, whether at the neck or the wrist, also counts as a common way of checking the hearts condition. The electricity starts in the sino-atrial node (acronym SA Node) The SA Node is a group of cells in the right atria. 36. 19. . Look at the structure of the heart & its position in the body. The pumped blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the body, while carrying metabolic waste such as carbon dioxide to the lungs. It pumps blood throughout the body. This would be a dream solution for millions of people, pizza being such a global smash hit . This oxygen-rich blood again enters the heart and is then sent to the body. 1st fly on the wall documentary on British TV: The Family was launched by the BBC in 1974, as a shocked and fascinated UK nation watched the goings on of the Wilkins family in Reading, who agreed to be filmed for 18 hours a day over a period of three months. Curry: Madhur Jaffrey launched her Indian Cookery in 1982, making us a nation of curry lovers. Slowing down makes the electrical impulses get to the ventricles later. 41. 60. The heart is made of cardiac muscles that work involuntarily. The heart utilizes 4-5% of its blood output through the coronary arteries for its own functioning. While this can become a problem should the heart get injured, it also means the heart can only rarely if ever develop cancer of its own. This is called cardiac diastole. The press: Initially, because of intense lobbying from the newspaper groups, the BBC was only allowed to broadcast news after 7pm, for fear that this new upstart radio would decimate the newspaper market. So much so, that doctors consider them the last resort when it comes to keeping patients with heart problems alive. 11. Radio Times: Radio quickly became the passion of the 1920s, and everyone wanted to know what was on and so the first listings magazine, the Radio Times, was published in 1923, subtitled the official organ of the BBC. Specifically, autorhythmicity, the ability to act at a fixed rate, as electrical impulses spread from one cell to the next. 29. 2012 London Olympics: This was the first truly digital Olympics, with every sporting event available online, and a global audience of 3.6 billion viewers. This electrical impulse sets the rate and timing at which all cardiac muscle cells contract. English physician William Harveys studies on the heart in the 17th century led to the medical community accepting Galens mistakes. 37. That said, some people have a rare condition called dextrocardia, where the heart gets oriented towards the right side of the chest. GCSE Science Revision Biology "The Heart and Circulation" Freesciencelessons 633K subscribers Subscribe 739K views 5 years ago 9-1 GCSE Biology Paper 1 Organisation Find my revision workbooks. 1st female radio announcer: Sheila Borrett became the BBCs first female announcer in 1933, sadly lasting only three months because of complaints from listeners (many of them women). Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Stress and anxiety is the most common cause for a fast heart rate (also known as pulse). 16. Read also: 50 Eye Facts That Are Just Eyemazing. 64. Your heart is made up of four chambers - the left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle and right ventricle These plaques make the arteries narrower, and make it harder for blood to flow through them. Patients can live completely normal lives, only needing to consult the doctor every once in a while just to make sure that their condition isnt getting worse over time. The left-hand side pumps oxygenated blood around the body. Many other drugs exist for more serious conditions, such as calcium or sodium channel blockers for people with severe arrhythmia. Life on Earth: The heart-stopping moment when David Attenborough met the gorillas in the 1979 Natural History documentary was only recorded by accident, the camera man revealed afterwards. The heart is a muscle found in every animal that has a vertebral column. 51. Create either a poster or leaflet to share your information. Obesity and high blood pressure make up the most common factors leading to heart failure. Did you know that it is possible to live without a real heart? - BBC Bitesize 2nd level How does your heart work? 50. Did you know that the vigorous contraction of our left ventricle creates our blood pressure? The hearts weight is less than 0.5 percent of the total body weight of a person. 83. Strep throat and endocarditis can also cause valvular heart disease as additional complications on top of their other symptoms. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. 51. 24. Third-degree heart block is the most serious of the three types of heart block. In humans, the four chambers are two atria and two ventricles. The country is covering almost half the North American continent's land area. Sky at Night: Presenter Patrick Moore became the longest-serving presenter of the same TV programme when he hosted the show in 1957, only ending on his death in 2012. 22 amazing facts about your heart (infographic). The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs. Largest Country: Canada. Interestingly, the heart plays a significant role in our mental, emotional and physical processes. The function of arteries is to take the blood away from the heart while that of the veins is to bring the blood back to the heart. For one, it's said to cause heart disease. Your heart is one of the most important organs in the human body. Longest running radio serial in the world:The Archers began in 1950 (going national in 1951), as a way of motivating farmers to improve their agricultural methods post WWII, and to this day it still has an agricultural adviser. Your heart beats about 72 times a minute. 100. In fact, doctors prefer not letting a heart condition develop in the first place over having to prescribe a cure after it develops. Which animal has the smallest heart? The unknown: Reith wrote in his diary on applying for the BBC job I know nothing whatsoever about broadcasting, but then very few people did. The Stethoscope was invented because it was inappropriate for the doctor to place his ear on his female patients chest to hear the heart sound. Medical professionals, though, recognize it as a rare, but very dangerous condition. At the end of the bundle branches, the electrical impulse goes into the ventricular muscle through the Purkinje Fibers. If you clench your hand into a fist, this is approximately the same size as your heart. Auntie BBC: The name almost certainly came from the numerous Aunties and Uncles (Uncle Arthur, Auntie Violet, Uncle Caractacus) who read stories on the hugely successful BBCs Childrens Hour, running from 1922 until 1963. Doctors learn about the person's heart by looking at the ECG. It is called a complex because there are three different waves in it. Start date: The BBC was officially created on 18 October 1922. The heart is made up of four chambers, the left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle and right ventricle. 34. It is created by the Sinoatrial Node. Emotional and physical health are both important for maintaining a healthy heart. Learn that the heart rate of an elephant (the largest land animal and the longest-lived animal as well body mass averages between 2300 to 7000 kilograms) is 25 beats per minute while that of a canary (body mass is 20 grams, approximately) is 1000 beats per minute. Select the,. If you were to stretch out your blood vessel system, it would extend over 60,000 miles. He launched shows such as Pot Black to showcase the innovation. But at Cleveland Clinic, we think about hearts a lot. The food you eat, and the quantity and quality of activity you choose to engage in can have a significant impact on the general health of your heart and the many other tissues that make up your cardiovascular system. Around the ninth week, it decelerates, to around 145 beats per minute by the time of birth. Your heart is a muscular pump. [2] Contents 1 National sections 1.1 England 1.2 Scotland 1.3 Wales 1.4 Northern Ireland 2 See also 3 References 4 External links Theres the vagus nerve, which links directly to the brainstem, and another series of nerves connected to the sympathetic trunk. Did you know that a special stethoscope called a fetoscope is used by the doctors to listen to the fetal heartbeat? Argumentative Essay VS Persuasive Essay Whats The Difference, Critical Differences Between Bitcoin And Ethereum, 100 Facts About South Korea The Land Of Morning Calm, A Complete List of Stephen King Books in Order, 40 Cockatiel Facts Sing Along With These Adorable Birds, 25 Strongest and Greatest Warriors in History, 40 Che Guevara Facts Legendary Political Activist, 40 Vincent van Gogh Facts Debunking the Rumors, Chinese Zodiac 12 Animal Signs And Their Origin, 5 Best Superfoods For Better Old Age Nutrition, Cactus Facts 40 Fun Facts About This Prickly Succulent, 30 Bluetick Coonhound Facts You Have To Know. Thats Life: Thats Life, starring Ester Rantzen, not only ran for an incredible 21 years from 1973, it also launched two groundbreaking charities: Childline (now copied in over 150 countries) and Silver Line for older people. Youngest ever open heart surgery: Baby Chanel survived operation at just one minute old. 1st TV logo:It was called the bats wing logo, because its airy shape evoked the animal in flight. That said, the heart and the body can cope with minor narrowing of the arteries. Molina DK et al. The QT-Interval is from when the QRS starts to when the T ends. Note that a cardiac arrest is different from a heart attack. (2010). BBC Dance Orchestra: Tapping into the craze for popular music, the BBC Dance Orchestra led by Jack Payne launched in 1928, transforming the access to popular music. Womans Hour: Platforming womens voices from 1946, Womans Hour surfaced many key issues over the decades, though bizarrely its first presenter was a man, Alan Ivimey though he was soon swapped for the more appropriate Mary Hill. This writing on the paper is the ECG. 17. Cult sounds: The Radiophonic Workshop began in 1958, making extraordinary soundscapes most famously the Doctor Who theme music created by Delia Derbyshire. 9 Nov 2021. Fact - NO -2. See Hear:Begun in 1981, this is one of the longest running disability programmes in the world, pioneering the use of deaf on air presenters. This has led scientists to consider the theory that only warm-blooded animals have four-chambered hearts. The coronary artery supplies the heart muscles with oxygen and food. Heart disease causes an estimated 30% of all deaths worldwide. Sunao Tawara made breakthroughs in studying the hearts electrical mechanisms in 1906. Did you know that generally, the rate of heartbeat varies inversely with the size of the animal? 2. Sport: Huge audiences listened to sport on the radio, and in 1927 a clever radio producer devised a paper plan of the football pitch divided into eight numbered squares to help listeners follow the game. Coverage: Radio coverage was patchy in the UK, until the powerful Daventry transmitter was built in 1925, securing 94% reach across the UK. Heart basics: How the heart works. 12. It is appropriate to visualize the heart as approximately the size of the owner's _________ A. It has regular contractions, or when the heart squeezes the blood out into other parts of the body. Pacemaker cells are responsible for producing electrical impulses in the heart. Unmissable: BBC iPlayer launched in 2007, with content initially viewable for just seven days. The ECG shows what the electricity in the heart is doing. Extension questions: What is the function of the heart? BBC Film: In 2015 they won the award for Outstanding British Contribution to Cinema, in recognition of a catalogue of over 300 films including the likes of Truly, Madly, Deeply, Billy Elliot and Judy. More complex methods include measuring blood pressure or using an electrocardiograph to measure the hearts electrical impulses. Strictly: Inspired by the success of Baz Luhrmanns 1992 film Strictly Ballroom, the BBC launched Strictly Come Dancing in 2004, to become a surprise UK and global hit. Give it 4/5. That is what makes the ventricular systole occur after atrial systole, and lets all the blood leave the atria before ventricle contracts (meaning squeeze). The heart pumps oxygen and nutrient-rich blood (blood is composed of cells and plasma) to organs, tissues, and cells of your body. We avoid using tertiary references. Noninvasive methods also exist, such as ultrasound, Computer Tomography (CT) scanning, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Out of all the facts about the heart you may come across, this is one you should really keep to heart (see what we did there?). Is there a better time of day to have a heart attack? Because your heart is crucial to your survival, its important to keep it healthy with a well-balanced diet and exercise, and avoid things that can damage it, like smoking. When the blood goes from the atria to the ventricles it goes through heart valves. Systole (when the heart squeezes) happens because the muscle cells of the heart gets smaller in size. Read also: 70 Redhead Facts Secrets You Never Knew. And research suggests that it can bring down the chances of a heart attack by fifty percent. The ventricles pump the blood out of the heart to the lungs or around the body. It may be a straight tube, as in spiders and annelid worms, or a somewhat more elaborate structure with one or more receiving chambers (atria) and a main pumping chamber (ventricle), as in mollusks. There are four valves in the human heart, they ensure that blood only goes one way, either in or out. 9. The left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to the body. The pericardial cavity is the place where the heart sits. 38. This system finished in 1957, and the BBC launched Tonight, an early version of The One Show. Those include an undersized atrium or ventricle, overly narrow valves, or simply no valves at all. BBC Television Centre: The worlds first conceived TV complex (though not the first actually built), famously designed in the shape of a question mark doodled by the architect Graham Dawbarn when trying to work out how best to meet the BBCs brief. Average: 4 (44 votes) Launch Site. Every pacemaking cell can become a band leader and the rest of the cells will follow that cell. Beginnings:The BBC began life as the British Broadcasting Company, set up by the UKs major radio manufacturing companies to promote the sale of radio sets to the burgeoning audio market. The Ancient Egyptians believed that the god Anubis tested the hearts of the dead for their worthiness to enter the afterlife. Also, note that the heart supplies blood to almost 75 trillion cells in the human body. In contrast, signals from the sympathetic trunk work to increase the heartbeat. This brings the electrical impulse to the ventricles. Did you know that when a heart transplant is made, the doctors have a narrow window of 4-6 hours to replant the removed heart in the receiver before it becomes unusable? All Rights Reserved. It drops further after birth, to around 129 beats per minute, and continues to decelerate as the child grows. Doctors use these amazing machines to regulate hearts that can no longer regulate themselves. It is also a fact that the left ventricle is the strongest of all the four chambers of the heart. 1st BBC radio service for teenagers:DJ Tony Blackburn was the first voice on the brand new Radio 1 in 1967, and the first record he played was Flowers in the Rain by The Move. Development of the human heart during the first eight weeks (top) and the formation of the heart chambers (bottom). The total volume of the heart is therefore approximately 4 times that value, or 280 ml. These cells are like the driving force which keeps our heart in momentum. Part of Science Body systems Your heart is a very strong muscle and plays an important part in being healthy. The heart is a large muscular pump and is divided into two halves - the. Your heart will beat about 115,000 times each day. 16. 7. This forces patients to take anti-rejection drugs, but those work by suppressing the bodys immune system, leaving them vulnerable to injection. 35. The x-axis reflects time with a recording of the heart sounds. The heart has four chambers: Right atrium Left atrium Right ventricle Left ventricle Atria are smaller than ventricles and have thin, less muscular walls. These diseases most commonly result as a form of hereditary disease. However, heart cells only have a limited ability to multiply, or even to self-repair. (2006). Climate change is a shift in those average conditions. Longest-running football programme in the world: Match of the Day began in 1966 on BBC One, the first regular football programme on TV, and it has never left the schedules. It is designed to aid pupils in both schoolwork and, for older pupils, exams. DOI: Aquilina O. Top 20 North America Facts 1. Read about our approach to external linking. This pushes blood out of the heart and into the blood vessels. 3. Corporation: In 1927, the Company changed to a Corporation with a Royal Charter, a coat of arms (the first conceived for a UK broadcaster) and a new way of governing itself. Unfortunately twenty-two Americans die waiting for heart transplants daily. However, when many of these cells become bandleaders, they fall out of rhythm and the heartbeat becomes irregular, which is usually a concern for the person. 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About 2,000 gallons of blood into the pulmonary arteries, which can affect the hearts skeleton, giving the its.
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